Open rob-luke opened 1 week ago
Incase its relevant, I am also seeing this error in the logs
[Nest] 1 - 11/18/2024, 11:52:14 PM LOG [GraphqlQueryRunnerService:findMany] Execution time: 81.30ms
fetching object metadata: 139.1ms
generating object metadata map: 1.451ms
[Nest] 1 - 11/19/2024, 1:37:04 AM LOG [WorkspaceMetadataCacheService:recomputeMetadataCache] Execution time: 194.75ms
Exception Captured
{ user: undefined }
GraphqlQueryRunnerException [Error]: Object metadata collection not found
at WorkspaceSchemaFactory.createGraphQLSchema (/app/packages/twenty-server/dist/src/engine/api/graphql/workspace-schema.factory.js:53:19)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async GraphQLConfigService.createSchema (/app/packages/twenty-server/dist/src/engine/api/graphql/graphql-config/graphql-config.service.js:174:16)
at async conditionalSchema (/app/packages/twenty-server/dist/src/engine/api/graphql/graphql-config/graphql-config.service.js:112:28)
at async schema (/app/node_modules/@graphql-yoga/nestjs/dist/cjs/index.js:68:95)
at async onRequestParseDone (/app/node_modules/graphql-yoga/cjs/plugins/use-schema.js:39:36)
at async YogaServer.handle (/app/node_modules/graphql-yoga/cjs/server.js:70:17) {
[Nest] 1 - 11/19/2024, 1:38:08 AM LOG [TypeDefinitionsGenerator] Generating composite type objects: [LINKS, CURRENCY, FULL_NAME, ADDRESS, ACTOR, EMAILS, PHONES]
[Nest] 1 - 11/19/2024, 1:38:08 AM LOG [TypeDefinitionsGenerator] Generating metadata objects: [messageChannelMessageAssociation, timelineActivity, person, opportunity, apiKey, viewFilter, auditLog, attachment, blocklist, calendarEvent, calendarChannel, calendarChannelEventAssociation, calendarEventParticipant, messageChannel, connectedAccount, favorite, viewField, viewSort, view, webhook, workspaceMember, messageThread, message, messageParticipant, company, note, noteTarget, task, taskTarget, viewGroup, viewFilterGroup]
@rob-luke I'm a bit worried you might actually have main / 0.33-canary version (which is unstable). I'll look into what has been push behind v0.32.4 today
I just triple confirmed and I am using image image: twentycrm/twenty:v0.32.4
, so it may be as you suspected, that something in main leaked in to the release. @charlesBochet
Hi @charlesBochet I did some more digging in to this.
Yes we have an issue with v0.32.4, I'm investigating
Thanks. Let me know if I can help.
Bug Description
After updating to v0.32.4 (big thank you @charlesBochet !!!), I am unable to use the graphql api interface.
If I try by the web interface it fails like this...
and I get the following errors in the logs
The same thing happens if I call the api via code.
Expected behavior
The query should run without an exception in the logs.
Thank you for the help. Please let me know if I can provide additional information.