twgo / siann1-hak8_boo5-hing5

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跑'服務來試.sh' error steps/ no such file ./tree #62

Open leo424y opened 6 years ago

leo424y commented 6 years ago





root@cf0bebfa3d72:/usr/local/kaldi/egs/taiwanese/s5c# bash 服務來試.sh exp/tri4/graph data/train exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1 zzz kept all 1 utterances. old files are kept in exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1/.backup
steps/ --nj 1 --cmd exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1 exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1/make_mfcc/ exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1/mfcc
steps/ moving exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1/feats.scp to exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1/.backup
utils/ WARNING: you have only one speaker.  This probably a bad idea.
   Search for the word 'bold' in
   for more information.
utils/ Successfully validated data-directory exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1
steps/ [info]: segments file exists: using that.
Succeeded creating MFCC features for decode_hok8bu7_1
steps/ exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1 exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1/make_mfcc/ exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1/mfcc
Succeeded creating CMVN stats for decode_hok8bu7_1
steps/ --nj 1 --cmd --mem 4G --config conf/decode.config exp/tri4/graph exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1 zzz
steps/ no such file ./tree
leo424y commented 6 years ago

另一個相關問題,不知我下的參數是否對 bash 服務來試.sh exp/tri4/graph data/train exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1 zzz

我用的image是 twisas - 實驗 78 docker run -it localhost:5000/siann1-hak8_boo5-hing5:78 /bin/bash

model 好像有提到要用某個tri ?用這個對嗎? exp/tri4/graph

exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1 應是我要辨的語料

zzz 應是輸出資料夾我隨意命名的


sih4sing5hong5 commented 6 years ago

歹勢,說明拍毋著 服務來試.sh exp/model/graph_sp data/lang data/train exp/model/decode_hok8bu7_1


leo424y commented 6 years ago

更正如隊長所說參數 使用 image twsas 78 ci@ci:~$ docker run -it localhost:5000/siann1-hak8_boo5-hing5:78 /bin/bash bash 服務來試.sh exp/tri4/graph data/lang_free try tryok 我所理解的參數 exp/tri4/graph 辨識model data/lang_free 語言model try 輸入要辨語料 tryok 輸出

噴錯 steps/ no such file ./tree



# bash 服務來試.sh exp/tri4/graph data/lang_free try tryok kept all 1 utterances. old files are kept in try/.backup
steps/ --nj 1 --cmd try try/make_mfcc/ try/mfcc
steps/ moving try/feats.scp to try/.backup
utils/ WARNING: you have only one speaker.  This probably a bad idea.
   Search for the word 'bold' in
   for more information.
utils/ Successfully validated data-directory try
steps/ [info]: segments file exists: using that.
Succeeded creating MFCC features for try
steps/ try try/make_mfcc/ try/mfcc
Succeeded creating CMVN stats for try
steps/ --nj 1 --cmd --mem 4G --config conf/decode.config exp/tri4/graph try tryok
steps/ no such file ./tree

data/train (try)


sw02001-A_000000-005800 sw02001-A 0.000 58.000

sw02001-A_000000-005800 2001-A

sw02001-A sw02001 A

sw02001-A sox -G /usr/local/kaldi/egs/taiwanese/s5c/try/r.wav -b 16 -c 1 -r 16k -t wav - |
sih4sing5hong5 commented 6 years ago

decode_dir 需要佇 exp/tri4/ 下底

leo424y commented 6 years ago

跑出來了,花2分鐘,在 decode.1.log 裡發現疑似結果的東東,請問隊長,有專門放結果的檔案嗎,不然得自己撈了。

sw02001-A_000000-005800 ha an ap tak lai an si ah pha a a an ah tsang hah an a ooh lai honnh gua lai le lan hi ha tsai ia lah tan ah tsak sang tsat tsan honnh koh tsit tsuan tse an ang ap tha pha hah tsan hang pua bian hah eh pe kia phau bu puat u gu tse lu tsai eh ku tse enn hing tsong bo thiau tsun lu thiau onnh lah be in u khi oo bo u ki ling kiau lin li o ke thui li lai hi lai tan be na at eh tsun khi it pau honnh o eh te in khioh o ling phiah khi in ki u lai khi leh tong neh tua a m ong bo tun haih ian to ai eh teh tui ke iah lua li it pa neh u ui le kio un gue lik eh tua un kio u tioh gun phio lo pua an pong huat king phai ko ap pua phang ah tsai kai eh han eh

cat decode.1.log
# gmm-latgen-faster --max-active=7000 --beam=15.0 --lattice-beam=6.0 --acoustic-scale=0.083333 --determinize-lattice=false --allow-partial=true --word-symbol-table=exp/tri4/graph/words.txt exp/tri4/final.mdl exp/tri4/graph/HCLG.fst "ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn  --utt2spk=ark:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/utt2spk scp:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/cmvn.scp scp:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/feats.scp ark:- | splice-feats  ark:- ark:- | transform-feats exp/tri4/final.mat ark:- ark:- | transform-feats --utt2spk=ark:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/utt2spk ark:exp/tri4/tryok/pre_trans.1 ark:- ark:- |" "ark:|gzip -c > exp/tri4/tryok/lat.tmp.1.gz"
# Started at Wed Aug 22 05:32:52 UTC 2018
gmm-latgen-faster --max-active=7000 --beam=15.0 --lattice-beam=6.0 --acoustic-scale=0.083333 --determinize-lattice=false --allow-partial=true --word-symbol-table=exp/tri4/graph/words.txt exp/tri4/final.mdl exp/tri4/graph/HCLG.fst 'ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn  --utt2spk=ark:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/utt2spk scp:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/cmvn.scp scp:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/feats.scp ark:- | splice-feats  ark:- ark:- | transform-feats exp/tri4/final.mat ark:- ark:- | transform-feats --utt2spk=ark:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/utt2spk ark:exp/tri4/tryok/pre_trans.1 ark:- ark:- |' 'ark:|gzip -c > exp/tri4/tryok/lat.tmp.1.gz'
splice-feats ark:- ark:-
apply-cmvn --utt2spk=ark:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/utt2spk scp:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/cmvn.scp scp:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/feats.scp ark:-
transform-feats exp/tri4/final.mat ark:- ark:-
transform-feats --utt2spk=ark:exp/tri4/try/split1/1/utt2spk ark:exp/tri4/tryok/pre_trans.1 ark:- ark:-
LOG (apply-cmvn[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:main() Applied cepstral mean normalization to 1 utterances, errors on 0
LOG (transform-feats[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:main() Overall average [pseudo-]logdet is -91.5899 over 5788 frames.
LOG (transform-feats[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:main() Applied transform to 1 utterances; 0 had errors.
LOG (transform-feats[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:main() Overall average logdet is 7.29326 over 5788 frames.
LOG (transform-feats[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:main() Applied transform to 1 utterances; 0 had errors.
sw02001-A_000000-005800 ha an ap tak lai an si ah pha a a an ah tsang hah an a ooh lai honnh gua lai le lan hi ha tsai ia lah tan ah tsak sang tsat tsan honnh koh tsit tsuan tse an ang ap tha pha hah tsan hang pua bian hah eh pe kia phau bu puat u gu tse lu tsai eh ku tse enn hing tsong bo thiau tsun lu thiau onnh lah be in u khi oo bo u ki ling kiau lin li o ke thui li lai hi lai tan be na at eh tsun khi it pau honnh o eh te in khioh o ling phiah khi in ki u lai khi leh tong neh tua a m ong bo tun haih ian to ai eh teh tui ke iah lua li it pa neh u ui le kio un gue lik eh tua un kio u tioh gun phio lo pua an pong huat king phai ko ap pua phang ah tsai kai eh han eh
LOG (gmm-latgen-faster[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:DecodeUtteranceLatticeFaster() Log-like per frame for utterance sw02001-A_000000-005800 is -4.35913 over 5788 frames.
LOG (gmm-latgen-faster[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:main() Time taken 135.814s: real-time factor assuming 100 frames/sec is 2.34648
LOG (gmm-latgen-faster[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:main() Done 1 utterances, failed for 0
LOG (gmm-latgen-faster[5.4.296~1401-9335e]:main() Overall log-likelihood per frame is -4.35913 over 5788 frames.
# Accounting: time=136 threads=1
# Ended (code 0) at Wed Aug 22 05:35:08 UTC 2018, elapsed time 136 seconds
sih4sing5hong5 commented 6 years ago

跑出來了,花2分鐘,在 decode.1.log 裡發現疑似結果的東東,請問隊長,有專門放結果的檔案嗎,不然得自己撈了。


leo424y commented 6 years ago


我的意思是,辨識結果內容,我應該要寫回去ftp txt的,目前在 decode.1.log 看到的應該是要的辨識結果,kaldi有特別存辨識結果的script嗎

sih4sing5hong5 commented 6 years ago

目前在 decode.1.log 看到的應該是要的辨識結果

decode.1.log毋是辨識結果,伊只是辨識過程 一定愛用decode/scoring/的,才是辨識結果



kaldi有特別存辨識結果的script嗎 cat 出來?

leo424y commented 6 years ago

原來如此! 試跑出來都SER都100% 這種情形 我應該撈哪個呢?

root@a16eb0f78607:/usr/local/kaldi/egs/taiwanese/s5c# cat ./exp/tri4/tryok/wer_* | ./utils/
%WER %SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
root@a16eb0f78607:/usr/local/kaldi/egs/taiwanese/s5c# cat ./exp/tri4/tryok/wer_*
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/10.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 183 / 0, 183 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/10.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 183 / 0, 183 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/10.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 183 / 0, 183 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/11.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 180 / 0, 180 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/11.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 180 / 0, 180 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/11.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 180 / 0, 180 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/12.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 179 / 0, 179 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/12.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 179 / 0, 179 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/12.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 179 / 0, 179 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/13.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 176 / 0, 176 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/13.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 176 / 0, 176 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/13.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 176 / 0, 176 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/14.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 173 / 0, 173 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/14.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 173 / 0, 173 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/14.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 173 / 0, 173 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/15.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 172 / 0, 172 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/15.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 172 / 0, 172 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/15.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 172 / 0, 172 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/16.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 168 / 0, 168 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/16.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 168 / 0, 168 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/16.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 168 / 0, 168 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/17.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 167 / 0, 167 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/17.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 167 / 0, 167 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/17.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 167 / 0, 167 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/5.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 188 / 0, 188 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/5.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 188 / 0, 188 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/5.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 188 / 0, 188 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/6.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 188 / 0, 188 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/6.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 188 / 0, 188 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/6.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 188 / 0, 188 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/7.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 186 / 0, 186 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/7.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 186 / 0, 186 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/7.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 186 / 0, 186 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/8.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 183 / 0, 183 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/8.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 183 / 0, 183 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/8.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 183 / 0, 183 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/9.0.0.txt
%WER inf [ 185 / 0, 185 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/9.0.5.txt
%WER inf [ 185 / 0, 185 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/text.filt ark:exp/tri4/tryok/scoring/9.1.0.txt
%WER inf [ 185 / 0, 185 ins, 0 del, 0 sub ]
%SER 100.00 [ 1 / 1 ]
Scored 1 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
sih4sing5hong5 commented 6 years ago

用 試驗內底 的彼个上好的參數 固定就好

leo424y commented 6 years ago

就試驗最好的參數 沒問題!