twiddli / happypanda

A cross platform manga/doujinshi manager with namespace & tag support
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Overwritten installation became unable to remove galleries #153

Open smaug3001 opened 8 years ago

smaug3001 commented 8 years ago

I have a lot of duplicates, or galleries that needed to removed in favor of their tank versions. I mainly used HP to detect those and remove them directly.

I started from 0.26, but after an owerwrite(probably 0.28, maybe 27), HP became unable to remove galleries, it just locked itself and forced me to restart instead. A freshly installed 0.29 solved that problem, but starting over was a pain in the ass.

twiddli commented 8 years ago

Hi, I need for you to be sure about which version you upgraded to. In updating Happypanda I specifically explain that skipping a version when updating is asking for trouble. Please take a read, and maybe, if you still got your old database, go back and update properly, and it might work.

smaug3001 commented 8 years ago

I am uploading the full log of my first installation of HP. According to what i searched, my upload schedule is 0.26,0,27,0.28,0.28.1,0.29 and 0.30

I re-tested the issues after ugrading to 0.30. Remove and delete actually sent the file to recycle bin, but the program still locked out. When i opened the program again, I had a red block saying "cannot find source" instead of the gallery. Using remove gallery on this block causes a lockout, and the block stays when i reopen.

Removing an existing gallery causes the same lockout again, but actually removes the gallery from the database.


twiddli commented 8 years ago

When upgrading between versions, did you make sure to overwrite and not just copy over the db?

smaug3001 commented 8 years ago

As far as i can remember, i did overwrite for all my updates. Creation dates for my main happypanda folder and happypanda.db file matches with the earliest lo date on happypanda.log too.

twiddli commented 8 years ago

Alright, well the best thing we can try now is rebuilding your database. Users can't toggle the process yet, but I'll make it so it's possible in the next version.

If you're on 64bit computer, you can download Happypanda v0.29.1 DEBUG and follow these steps to rebuild your database:

  1. Download the archive and extract it somewhere (don't overwrite current HP installation)
  2. Now, copy over the faulty DB and your settings.ini file over to this debug HP
  3. Open debug HP and it should automatically try to rebuild your DB.
  4. Wait for it to finish rebuilding, and then move this DB over to your real HP folder overwriting your other DB

If you're on a 32bit, you'll have to wait for the next version to come out.

smaug3001 commented 8 years ago

When i did that, 02.9debug said the db was incompatible, and rebuilt it. after it finished loading everything, i returned the files to my first hp installation. When i opened the old version, it again said that the db was incompatible (it was already upgraded to 0.30), and rebuilt it again. It seems like the errors persist after that.

I also tried to remove some files on 0.29debug, but it failed the same way as well.