twiddli / happypanda

A cross platform manga/doujinshi manager with namespace & tag support
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File location detection. #159

Open Zuescho opened 8 years ago

Zuescho commented 8 years ago

Hi, no idear how to name this otherwise.

So the problem is that right now i'm using happypanda on a external HDD. All the files are kept on the hdd. Now when i'm unlucky and windows mounts the hdd under a different path name like E or P. Then happy panda does not finde the files anymore.

Because it saves the location under the mounted path at the time of adding.

I'm not sure how much work it would be. But there must be a way to handel this maybe via the Name of the HDD or some other way of letting it know where the files resident.

Maybe some check that it first looks into the root folder of the application (where one could then save his files) Like some sort of "import" into the application iself so it does not depend on the path. So much.

Not a big problem. Also i do not know if i'm the only one that does this.

Still best program out there for this sort of material ^^ So keep it going and i hope you will soon be back.

LoLsAlEd commented 8 years ago

You can use a static drive letter so your hard drive on connection will always use the assigned letter.

Zuescho commented 8 years ago

I have it setup that way, after wondering why i had so many missing galleries. I just like the setup that as an example hydrus uses so you do not have to worry about the file location ever getting misplaced or corrupted.