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Make a worker for solr updates #58

Open twidi opened 12 years ago

twidi commented 12 years ago

Must be done after #38 as we'll use redis to store info about last index date

nickl- commented 12 years ago

Have you considered elasticsearch? A comparison of solr vs elasticsearch.

Quick start presentation.

nickl- commented 12 years ago

Scrap that last suggestion, it's so yesterday =) Have you seen SenseiDB the link opens on the performance page. They are using the same lucene search which they adopted from elastic with a revolutionary new concept. You cannot insert any data into Sensei, you send it to a gateway, can be your app too and Sensei will pull the data from you. That sounds like something that can benefit this project yes?

twidi commented 12 years ago


Thanks for you suggestions, but i don't really want to switch now, maybe later, but solr works fine, and is provided by dotcloud where i host the project. Solr is really good for querying, but seems to have difficulties to handle the flow of updates, but maybe it's caused by the proxy i use to handle authentication (needed because haystack doesn't handle solr authentication)

nickl- commented 12 years ago

I understand make use of what you can get, the good thing that came from this was discovering SenseiDB =) Really awesome! Now I just need somewhere to use it. pondering

twidi commented 12 years ago

I keep a tab open on it to check later ;)

nickl- commented 12 years ago

Lol! Now there's another feature for I'm actually in the process of trying to get rid of some of these tabs before everything grinds to a halt.

nickl- commented 12 years ago

If you are planning on installing it let me save you some time.

Grab this repo branch release-1.1.2-rc2 rather as the released source from their repo doesn't build because of dependencies that have changed since then. I've added a pull request already but the last release they made doesn't build anymore. You will need java and maven installed. Then just run ./bin/ to download all the deps and get it compiled.

Once that is done, then you can actually follow the rest of the Getting Started without hurting any kittens =)

twidi commented 12 years ago

Thanks ;)