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Dev environment, IDE, versions etc #60

Closed nickl- closed 12 years ago

nickl- commented 12 years ago

Ok I might bite, not forking just yet, I'm sure you know where I am coming from =) This looks like exactly what the repo doctor ordered.

I've been meaning to dJango so this is a good opportunity but please guys give me a hand up, I'm a quick study and as I have no preferences or bad python habits yet it would be easy to couch.

Either way I think it would be an advantage if we use the same development environment. I looked through the issues but didn't see any write ups. Please give me a quick run don of the stack and which IDE I should use.

Running OS X 10.6 and if not mistaken I have something like 3 or 4 different versions of python running already so I doubt I am missing a release in that context. Hope I caught someones attention for a quick response. crossing fingers

twidi commented 12 years ago


It's really not difficult to make the project run, at least with linux. For Mac, make a vm or just check on the web how to do this :

Just create a virtualenv, install required packages via pip and the requirements.txt file. Then use django syncdb to create the database (tested with postgresql).

Then you need to have a redis running to handle queues. You then can run the workers manually to fetch data from gituhb (but for this you have to have at least one auth token, so you must authenticate via github in your dev web interface. Ah, and don't forget to create your own api key at github and set it in your settings.

Installing solr is easy with ubuntu, don't know for mac. Don't forget to copy the solr_schema.xml file to the solr directory.

Hmm finally it's not so easy :D

twidi commented 12 years ago

Btw i'm not sure where you came from !

twidi commented 12 years ago

About the ide, you can use what you want. I used to use vim but im trying sublime text 2 right now, but what you want will be fine

nickl- commented 12 years ago

Thank you! This helps I should've started with this last night but then got playing with SenseiDB blush\ you've already saved me quite a bit of time. We should start to put these in a wiki page for easy reference.

I stumbled onto your repos tracking the abandoned phpjsonschemav source to try and assess who has the most up to date version so that we can put all our efforts together. The v4 spec is in draft afaik which will likely need adding to. Long story short but this seems like the perfect tool to track these project and get them to collaborate. Not to mention all the others...

We should also look at redoing the "network browser" as the one on github is close to useless for anything more than 10 forks. Doesn't have to be all visual and fancy but there is some info you need like who has commits and branches etc to highlight the ones you need to visit more closely. Probably should put this in a separate post.

Tx, will be seeing me again.

twidi commented 12 years ago

As you guessed, lot of work to be done !

What is "phpjsonschemav" ?

nickl- commented 12 years ago

Aahh yes, to be precise I found you via and it turns out that it reads jsonschemaphpv more correctly, an abandoned sourceforge repo, sad...

It's been 2 years so you can imagine how many forks in all states of wanting there are already.