D_ERROR /xdid ("xcomms 1 -i 11 Notă: -> Comanda /youtube va funcționa indiferent dacă Youtube Catcher e activ sau nu. Youtube Catcher răspunde doar de afișarea conținutului link-urilor din mesajele proprii sau a altora." error: strcpyn() failed!)
/xdid -[switch] [dialog] [ID] [options]
[switch] = depends on control type
[dialog] = the dialog containing the control
[ID] = the ID of the control
[options] = depends on the control type & switch used
After that, i tried to open again and no errors returns and when i tried to open again and again, sometimes this strcpyn() error returns with different value of id: 11, 7 etc.
Although, the dialog is displayed with all data in it perfectly, except the inserted error lines.
Considering this code:
returns error:
After that, i tried to open again and no errors returns and when i tried to open again and again, sometimes this strcpyn() error returns with different value of id: 11, 7 etc.
Although, the dialog is displayed with all data in it perfectly, except the inserted error lines.