twigkit / tempo

Tempo is an easy, intuitive JavaScript rendering engine that enables you to craft data templates in pure HTML.
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Nested Template Condition #100

Open hsuanweifu opened 7 years ago

hsuanweifu commented 7 years ago On this example the second list does not show the expected result as it was shown on the first list. I believe that it was caused by

   if (ready) {
            var foundTemplates = {};
            for (var s = 0; s < children.length; s++) {
                if (children[s].getAttribute !== undefined) {
                    if (utils.hasAttr(children[s], 'data-template-for') && children[s].getAttribute('data-template-for').length > 0 && this.nestedItem === children[s].getAttribute('data-template-for') && !foundTemplates[this.nestedItem]) {
                        // Nested template
                        // Guards against recursion when child template has same name!
                        foundTemplates[this.nestedItem] = true;
                    } else if (utils.hasAttr(children[s], 'data-template') && !utils.isNested(children[s])) {
                        // Normal template

What's the purpose of
                      // Guards against recursion when child template has same name!
                        foundTemplates[this.nestedItem] = true;

By updating foundTemplates[this.nestedItem] to false the problem seems to be fixed.