Please create multiple commits if you are planning to add multiple features or fix existing issues. In general it's best practice in a collaborative environment. And also we are using semantic versioning automation in this repo, and that makes use of commit messages (see more at #23)
When you are working on a fix, please make sure there is the corresponding issue in the repo and it's assigned to you. If there isn't the issue, please raise one.
This PR include a fix for an issue (#22 ) that is currently assigned to me. I'm more than happy for you to work on it, but you should discuss it with the assignee before starting to work on that
When you open a PR, even more so if you are requesting a review, could you write a description of the changes? This is especially important if there are new implementations (i.e. fetching the variables from .env)
Hope this all make sense
Got it. I was not familiar with the new rules we had in place. I will talk with you directly to understand them better and have the correct approach next time.
Got it. I was not familiar with the new rules we had in place. I will talk with you directly to understand them better and have the correct approach next time.