twilio / flex-webchat-ui-sample

Twilio Flex Web Chat UI Sample
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TypeError: Handlebars.compile is not a function #17

Open sryze opened 3 years ago

sryze commented 3 years ago

After including twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:

twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:148 Failed to create webChat: TypeError: Handlebars.compile is not a function
    at twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:137
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at v (twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:137)
    at Module.p (twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:142)
    at Function.value (twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:142)
    at e.value (twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:142)
    at new e (twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:142)
    at twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:142
    at v (twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:137)
    at Generator._invoke (twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:137)
(anonymous) @ twilio-flex-webchat.min.js:148

My project uses Handlebars as well, version 3.0.3, but I only include the runtime library because all templates are compiled ahead of time during a project build step.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="my-templates.js"></script>

Looks like there is some sort of conflict. If flex-webchat-ui was open-source I could try to fix it myself but since it's not, I'm reporting the issue on this repo. Sorry, I don't know where else to send it.

sryze commented 3 years ago

Can this library be changed to encapsulate Handlebars inside and not rely on any external libs?