twilio / twilio-chat-demo-android

Chat API Demo Application for Android
MIT License
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Support for older devices #108

Closed berkus closed 5 years ago

berkus commented 5 years ago

We are planning to lower required API level on Android devices to hopefully API 19.

Forked from discussion in #56

sfseyhan commented 5 years ago

To answer the question about our minSdk in linked thread #56 , we are supporting api 19 and need to keep supporting it.

Our most frequent crashes are from twilio at the moment and it seems like it will worsen if 3.1.1 version causes crashes with android 10 as it was mentioned in #56

We really look forward for 4.x.x versions to support api 19 so we can update asap.

berkus commented 5 years ago

We're working on it!

rusmonster commented 5 years ago

SDK v4.2.5 has minimum API level 19

fede87 commented 5 years ago

We have tested v.4.2.5 on various emulators and devices with api level between 16 and 19.

Tested devices:

All the tests passed and the SDK seems to be working.

Are there any reasons not to use the SDK with those api levels? Thanks.

rusmonster commented 5 years ago

@fede87 The main reason is we are unable to test it on devices with API below 19 as they are not present in the Firebase Test Lab which we use for running our tests.

BTW there are no any reasons why it shouldn't work on API 16

So If you tested it for your use cases and you are sure it works - you can use

     tools:overrideLibrary="" />

In your AndroidManifest In order to override the minSdkVersion

InI4 commented 5 years ago

I know, this is closed, but in a short test I can confirm running on the following device:
