twilio / twilio-csharp

Twilio C#/.NET Helper Library for .NET6+.
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looking for actionresult for transcribeCallback #8

Closed bradoyler closed 12 years ago

bradoyler commented 13 years ago

Looking at ur sample voicemail mvc app ( and was wondering how you'd modify to add voicemail transcription. Specifically, what would the "transcribed" ActionResult look like? Thx,

johnsheehan commented 12 years ago

public ActionResult TranscribeCallback(string CallSid, string TranscriptionText, string RecordingUrl) { ... }

buddhika85 commented 5 years ago

I have a requirement to record a users vocal response, then get a transcript of the users vocal response and read it out to the user. Below are the steps.

**- Caller calls the twlio number

Below is the code I did so far using, ASP.NET MVC.

`// below code gets users initial vocal response, records and then transcribes it
[HttpPost] public ActionResult Welcome() { var response = new VoiceResponse(); try { response.Say("Please say something \n", Say.VoiceEnum.Alice, 1, Say.LanguageEnum.EnGb); // record and transcribe users voice
response.Record( timeout: 30, maxLength: 30, playBeep: true, action: new Uri(NgRokPath+ "/RecordingCompleted"), transcribe: true, transcribeCallback: new Uri(NgRokPath + "/TranscribeCallback"), finishOnKey: "*");

            response.Say("I did not receive a recording");
        catch (Exception e)
            ErrorLog.LogError(e, "Error within ivr/Welcome");
            response = RejectCall();
        return TwiML(response);


Below is the action result I wrote for voice record completion,

` [HttpPost] public TwiMLResult RecordingCompleted() { var response = new VoiceResponse(); try { var recordingSid = Request.Params["RecordingSid"]; var status = Request.Params["CallStatus"]; var duration = int.Parse(Request.Params["RecordingDuration"]); var url = Request.Params["RecordingUrl"];

            // reading the transcibed result
            response.Say("Recoding Completed. Waiting for transcription, \n");     
        catch (Exception e)
            ErrorLog.LogError(e, "Error within ivr/RecordingCompleted");
            response.Say(ConversationHelper.NothingReceived, ConversationHelper.SpeakVoice, 1, ConversationHelper.SpeakLanguage);
        return TwiML(response);

Below is the transcribe call back. In this action I need to read out the transcribed text to the user and Hang up the call.

`// [HttpPost] public ActionResult TranscribeCallback(string CallSid, string TranscriptionText, string RecordingUrl) { var response = new VoiceResponse(); try { response.Say($"Transcribed message is,\n {TranscriptionText}");

            // done
            response.Say("Good Bye", Say.VoiceEnum.Alice, null, Say.LanguageEnum.EnGb);
        catch (Exception e)
            ErrorLog.LogError(e, "Error within ivr/TranscribeCallback");
            response.Say(ConversationHelper.NothingReceived, ConversationHelper.SpeakVoice, 1, ConversationHelper.SpeakLanguage);

response.Say("Goodbye"); }
response.Hangup(); return TwiML(response); }`

Problem - The call gets hangup, before the execution of the TranscribeCallback action method. So, the coversation currently goes like below,

**- Caller calls the twlio number

Call finishes with above, but does not read out the transcribed output (- Twilio - You said ABC1234, Good Bye).

Maybe Im missing something. Any help to solve this is much appreciated. Thanks.