twilio / twilio-go

A Go package for communicating with the Twilio API.
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503 responses from Twilio API cause a panic #229

Closed percivalalb closed 4 months ago

percivalalb commented 4 months ago

Issue Summary

On Feb 14th 2024 the following occurred during this time saw some 503's from the Twilio API. This manifested as the following error in our Golang service (see Expection/Log section) causing the code to panic.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Make a call to the Twilio API using the rest client in this library.
  2. Somehow force it to respond with 503
  3. See that in panics.


"error":"error decoding the response for an HTTP error code: 503: invalid character 'o' in literal null (expecting 'u')","errorVerbose":"invalid character 'o' in literal null (expecting 'u')\nerror decoding the response for an HTTP error code: 503\[*Client](*Client)).doWithErr\n\[\*Client](*Client)).SendRequest\n\[\*RequestHandler](*RequestHandler)).sendRequest\n\[\*RequestHandler](*RequestHandler)).Get\n\[\*ApiService](*ApiService)).FetchCall\n\[](

Technical details:

kevinburkesegment commented 4 months ago

Apologies - here's the logic I see for sending a HTTP request and decoding it, which is the top of the stack trace that you provided.

    if res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode >= 400 {
        err = &TwilioRestError{}
        if decodeErr := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(err); decodeErr != nil {
            err = errors.Wrap(decodeErr, "error decoding the response for an HTTP error code: "+strconv.Itoa(res.StatusCode))
            return nil, err

        return nil, err

I see the error message in your response, but I don't see where this code could panic. Is it possible you can provide more of a stack trace or more details about what request was failing?

percivalalb commented 4 months ago

Hi Kevin,

I've just had a look at the stacktrace again and followed it back to an issue within my code base. I jumped the gun here, appreciate you putting time into looking though. Sorry for the false alarm!