twilio / twilio-video-ios

Programmable Video SDK by Twilio
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Switching camera causes crash in TwilioVideo TVICameraSource #263

Open Dinalli opened 9 months ago

Dinalli commented 9 months ago


When switching to the camera front/back & back/front the App crashes in Twilio Video SDK.

Steps to Reproduce

Intermittent issue. Switching camera back to front. Issue occurs on calling selectCaptureDevice.


if let frontCamera = CameraSource.captureDevice(position: .front) {
                camera?.selectCaptureDevice(frontCamera, completion: { [self] (captureDevice, _, error) in
                    if error == nil {
                        self.currentCaptureDevice = captureDevice
                        shouldMirror = true

Expected Behavior

No crash to occur and camera to switch

Actual Behavior

App crashes and quits

Reproduces How Often

1 in 100 sessions according to logs


Debug level logs are helpful when investigating issues. To enable debug level logging, add the following code to your application:

Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException
The capture pipeline should have already been created when selecting a device.

Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException
0  CoreFoundation                 0x9d94 __exceptionPreprocess
1  libobjc.A.dylib                0x183d0 objc_exception_throw
2  Foundation                     0x4e16cc _userInfoForFileAndLine
3  TwilioVideo                    0x3532c -[TVICameraSource selectCaptureDevice:format:completion:] + 396 (TVICameraSource.m:396)
4  TwilioVideo                    0x35148 -[TVICameraSource selectCaptureDevice:completion:] + 385 (TVICameraSource.m:385)
5  V3Shared                       0x370f0 TwilioVideoViewModel.switchCamera() + 167 (TwilioVideoViewModel.swift:167)
6  V3Shared                       0xa9748 closure #4 in closure #2 in closure #1 in closure #3 in TwilioSessionView.twilioVideoView(twilioSession:)
7  SwiftUI                        0x92b688 objectdestroyTm
8  SwiftUI                        0x92bc10 objectdestroy.11Tm
9  SwiftUI                        0x92bb14 objectdestroy.11Tm
10 SwiftUI                        0x107b540 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_46
11 SwiftUI                        0xdc368 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_242
12 SwiftUI                        0x394d4 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_97
13 SwiftUI                        0xdc368 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_242
14 SwiftUI                        0xa65870 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_15
15 SwiftUI                        0x197a8 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_28
16 SwiftUI                        0x1590c OUTLINED_FUNCTION_103
17 SwiftUI                        0x131f788 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_1
18 SwiftUI                        0x18a54 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_148
19 SwiftUI                        0x1b96c OUTLINED_FUNCTION_122
20 UIKitCore                      0xb6388 -[UIGestureRecognizer _componentsEnded:withEvent:]
21 UIKitCore                      0xb2ec0 -[UITouchesEvent _sendEventToGestureRecognizer:]
22 UIKitCore                      0x9be274 -[UIGestureEnvironment _deliverEvent:toGestureRecognizers:usingBlock:]
23 UIKitCore                      0xf46b0 -[UIGestureEnvironment _updateForEvent:window:]
24 UIKitCore                      0xf8f20 -[UIWindow sendEvent:]
25 UIKitCore                      0xf81e4 -[UIApplication sendEvent:]
26 UIKitCore                      0xf64d0 __dispatchPreprocessedEventFromEventQueue
27 UIKitCore                      0x13f130 __processEventQueue
28 UIKitCore                      0xdb09a4 updateCycleEntry
29 UIKitCore                      0x64de00 _UIUpdateSequenceRun
30 UIKitCore                      0xcb1944 schedulerStepScheduledMainSection
31 UIKitCore                      0xcb0ea0 runloopSourceCallback
32 CoreFoundation                 0xd3208 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__
33 CoreFoundation                 0xdf864 __CFRunLoopDoSource0
34 CoreFoundation                 0x646c8 __CFRunLoopDoSources0
35 CoreFoundation                 0x7a1c4 __CFRunLoopRun
36 CoreFoundation                 0x7f4dc CFRunLoopRunSpecific
37 GraphicsServices               0x135c GSEventRunModal
38 UIKitCore                      0x39d37c -[UIApplication _run]
39 UIKitCore                      0x39cfe0 UIApplicationMain
40 SwiftUI                        0x1bc3d8 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_895
41 SwiftUI                        0x1229b0 block_copy_helper.1
42 SwiftUI                        0x10ca54 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_901
43 VICTVS V3                      0x8ce4 main + 29 (V3App.swift:29)
44 ???                            0x1b1d28dec (Missing)


All relevant version information for the issue.

Video iOS SDK



14.X / 15.X

iOS Version

15/16 & 17

iOS Device

iPhone numerous devices.

donald-boosted commented 5 months ago

This error still persists in the most recent SDK. Any chance of a fix for this?