twilio / twilio-video.js

Twilio’s Programmable Video JavaScript SDK
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WebKit Bug 180748 - Audio sometimes fail to capture in WebRTC #257

Closed theDude30 closed 4 years ago

theDude30 commented 6 years ago

Code to reproduce the issue:

let constraints={video:true,audio:true}; Video.createLocalTracks(constraints).then((localTracks)=> { var localMediaContainer = document.getElementById('localVideoContainer'); localTracks.forEach((track) =>{ let myElement=track; localMediaContainer.appendChild(myElement.attach()); this.avRoom.localParticipant.publishTrack(track); }); });

Expected behavior: Sound should be heard.

Actual behavior: On all PC,android phones, the sound is heard. on safari 11(iphone,ipad, and on osx) no sound output is heard There are no console exception.

See Logs below: SAFARI:

[Warning] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:43.333Z" "|" "WARN" "in" "[connect #1]:" "This release of twilio-video.js includes experimental support for Safari 11 and newer. Support for Safari is \"experimental\" because, at the time of writing, Safari does not support VP8. This means you may experience codec issues in Group Rooms. You may also experience codec issues in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Rooms containing Android- or iOS-based Participants who do not support H.264. However, P2P Rooms with browser-based Participants should work. Please test this release and report any issues to" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:43.355Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[connect #1]:" "Connecting to a Room" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:43.356Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[NTSIceServerSource #1]:" "Created a new NTSIceServerSource" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:43.356Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[connect #1]:" "LocalTracks were not provided, so they will be acquired automatically before connecting to the Room. LocalTracks will be released if connecting to the Room fails or if the Room is disconnected" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:43.357Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[createLocalTracks #1]:" "Neither audio nor video requested, so returning empty LocalTracks" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:43.359Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[LocalParticipant #1]:" "Created a new Participant" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:43.359Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[connect #1]:" "Getting ICE servers" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:43.359Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[NTSIceServerSource #1]:" "Starting" [Log] Loaded p (client, line 1694) [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:44.347Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[NTSIceServerSource #1]:" "Got ICE servers: [{\"username\":\"83d965157dee0f8e8617959da33c317eadd9bd58ead7c50494ffa3ebea3fdcd8\",\"credential\":\"oEqSYlsnzL9ERN3OC8O+B5d5jyBlh/vTBZzhrYFOSho=\",\"urls\":\"\"},{\"username\":\"83d965157dee0f8e8617959da33c317eadd9bd58ead7c50494ffa3ebea3fdcd8\",\"credential\":\"oEqSYlsnzL9ERN3OC8O+B5d5jyBlh/vTBZzhrYFOSho=\",\"urls\":\"\"}]" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:44.348Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[NTSIceServerSource #1]:" "Getting ICE servers again in 3600 seconds" [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:44.348Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[connect #1]:" "Got ICE servers" [Warning] Warning: This browser does not support audio output selection. (twilio.min.js, line 35) [Log] [Device] Setting up PStream (twilio.min.js, line 105) [Log] [WSTransport] Opening socket (twilio.min.js, line 105) [Log] [WSTransport] attempting to connect (twilio.min.js, line 105) [Warning] Device.sounds is deprecated and will be removed in the next breaking release. Please use the new functionality available on (twilio.min.js, line 105) [Info] 2018-01-25 (7) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:45.302Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[Room #1: RMa49677de27320c0639c1f4b96f2c3605]:" "Created a new Room:" "c02880db-dc7e-4726-8e63-e1b0f46246b4" [Info] 2018-01-25 (7) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:45.302Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[connect #1]:" "Connected to Room:" "[Room #1: RMa49677de27320c0639c1f4b96f2c3605]" [Info] 2018-01-25 (7) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:45.303Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[connect #1]:" "Room name:" "c02880db-dc7e-4726-8e63-e1b0f46246b4" [Log] [WSTransport] Socket opened (twilio.min.js, line 105) [Log] [PStream] Setting token and publishing listen (twilio.min.js, line 105) [Log] [Device] Stream is ready (twilio.min.js, line 105) [Log] Twilio.Device.ready (pcToPhone.html, line 60) [Info] 2018-01-25 (6) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:54.630Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[RemoteParticipant #2: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]:" "Created a new Participant: NastyXanderVail" [Info] 2018-01-25 (7) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:54.631Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[Room #1: RMa49677de27320c0639c1f4b96f2c3605]:" "A new RemoteParticipant connected:" RemoteParticipant {_events: Object, _maxListeners: undefined, _instanceId: 2, _log: Log, _signaling: RemoteParticipantV2, …} [Log] Loaded p (client, line 1694) [Info] 2018-01-25 (7) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:59.681Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[RemoteParticipant #2: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]:" "Added a new AudioTrack:" "2755ce63-5930-4fed-ad4b-e88749275491" [Info] 2018-01-25 (7) (main.js, line 57591) "15:04:59.689Z" "|" "INFO" "in" "[RemoteParticipant #2: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]:" "Added a new VideoTrack:" "60fc3540-0753-4d62-b0c5-ea16fb637b35"


2018-01-25 15:04:52.795Z | INFO in [connect #1]: Connecting to a Room main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:52.797Z | INFO in [NTSIceServerSource #1]: Created a new NTSIceServerSource main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:52.798Z | INFO in [connect #1]: LocalTracks were not provided, so they will be acquired automatically before connecting to the Room. LocalTracks will be released if connecting to the Room fails or if the Room is disconnected main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:52.799Z | INFO in [createLocalTracks #1]: Neither audio nor video requested, so returning empty LocalTracks main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:52.802Z | INFO in [LocalParticipant #1]: Created a new Participant main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:52.802Z | INFO in [connect #1]: Getting ICE servers main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:52.803Z | INFO in [NTSIceServerSource #1]: Starting main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:54.650Z | INFO in [RemoteParticipant #2: PAfa8e065fcb638230a082b9e4c06a3f17]: Created a new Participant: JoltinTammyJamestown main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:54.650Z | INFO in [Room #1: RMa49677de27320c0639c1f4b96f2c3605]: A new RemoteParticipant connected: RemoteParticipant main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:54.652Z | INFO in [Room #1: RMa49677de27320c0639c1f4b96f2c3605]: Created a new Room: c02880db-dc7e-4726-8e63-e1b0f46246b4 main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:54.653Z | INFO in [connect #1]: Connected to Room: [Room #1: RMa49677de27320c0639c1f4b96f2c3605] main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:54.653Z | INFO in [connect #1]: Room name: c02880db-dc7e-4726-8e63-e1b0f46246b4 main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:59.447Z | INFO in [LocalParticipant #1: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]: Added a new AudioTrack: 2755ce63-5930-4fed-ad4b-e88749275491 main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:59.448Z | INFO in [LocalParticipant #1: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]: Added a new LocalAudioTrack: 2755ce63-5930-4fed-ad4b-e88749275491 main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:59.449Z | INFO in [LocalParticipant #1: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]: Added a new VideoTrack: 60fc3540-0753-4d62-b0c5-ea16fb637b35 main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:59.450Z | INFO in [LocalParticipant #1: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]: Added a new LocalVideoTrack: 60fc3540-0753-4d62-b0c5-ea16fb637b35 main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:59.881Z | INFO in [LocalParticipant #1: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]: Created a new VideoTrackPublication: MT3f0b9331e24b911b07d9a9e873bc4a82 main.js:57591 2018-01-25 15:04:59.882Z | INFO in [LocalParticipant #1: PA0c32473629a80af692ba6bb405dd039c]: Created a new AudioTrackPublication: MT89c53fc6611db01f0026a1fe6a4df592


Software versions:

markandrus commented 6 years ago

@theDude30 thank you for the report. I will attempt to reproduce. Safari 11.0.3 was released January 23, 2018. May laptop is still using 11.0.2. I will update and test it out.

markandrus commented 6 years ago

I can reproduce with Safari 11.0.3. Safari 11.0.2 worked fine for me.

markandrus commented 6 years ago

Actually, I think the issue is intermittent. When the issue manifests, I see packetsReceived, bytesReceived, and audioLevel are zero for remote audio tracks. I saw this in 11.0.3. I restarted Safari and tried some different tests and it seemed to resolve. Very strange... I'm still investigating.

markandrus commented 6 years ago

So, after I restarted Safari, the issue went away and I am unable to reproduce in 11.0.3. @theDude30 can you see if restarting fixes the behavior? I'm still not sure how to trigger reliably.

theDude30 commented 6 years ago

i've restarted my MAC computer and it now works on MAC (safari). However, the problem still occur on my iPad even after restarting. the iPad version is: iOS 11.2.1 Safari 11

theDude30 commented 6 years ago

UPDATE: if the iOS device starts to publish audio/video (2 way audio/video), the sound works. If the iOS only receive audio/video from the PC without starting it's own audio/video, the iOS not getting sound.

theDude30 commented 6 years ago

on some occasions 2 way audio video also does solve the problem. any update on this? this is critical bug. we have clients constantly complaining about this.

markandrus commented 6 years ago


If the iOS only receive audio/video from the PC without starting it's own audio/video, the iOS not getting sound.

Thanks for the additional information. I'll try to repro with this.

markandrus commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, this is a WebKit bug. It can be reproduced without twilio-video.js, without WebRTC, using just getUserMedia sample code. I haven't seen a workaround yet, but it's being actively discussed on these two tickets:

theDude30 commented 6 years ago

It looks like the bug still exist in the new version of ios. However, in the following thread there are few workarounds in order to resolve this temporary. Can you please have a look and let me if it's possible to implement this on the twilio library:

markandrus commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the headsup @theDude30. Here is the gist of the workaround (note that the location.reload() is not a good solution since you may not want to reload the page):

You can do a getUserMedia call. If you do not get any audio, you can do the following:

  1. stop the audio track
  2. call getUserMedia to get audio
  3. Redo step 1 and 2 and you should hopefully get some audio Let me know if that works for you.

This is unfortunate. Chrome had a bug like this for a long time, and Twilio worked around it in this way in our Voice SDK. It requires monitoring the audio levels on the track, but the issue is that you have to delay returning a track since

quentinhayot commented 6 years ago

Is it something you guys are working on? Can we expect the workaround to be implemented soon? (No pressure, it's just so we know what to expect :) )

markandrus commented 6 years ago

@quentinhayot We could implement this workaround behind a flag. Basically, anywhere an audio track can be requested, we allow passing a new option, workaroundWebKitBug180748, defaulting to false. If true, execute the workaround. For example,

  workaroundWebKitBug180748: true

  audio: {
    workaroundWebKitBug180748: true

connect(token, {
  audio: {
    workaroundWebKitBug180748: true

It is ugly, but this is basically what we did for Twilio Client (twilio.js) back when WebRTC Issue 3940 was a thing. We added an option, chrome3940Workaround. So there's precedent... WDYT? We could implement something like this.

quentinhayot commented 6 years ago

That would be awesome. Period.

markandrus commented 6 years ago

@quentinhayot OK, we have scheduled the work 👍

theDude30 commented 6 years ago

any update on this? i'm still having issues sound issues on iOS

theDude30 commented 6 years ago

I've tried using the "workaroundWebKitBug180748" option and it worked but the biggest problem that it broadcasts the microphone which i really don't want in that point. Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

markandrus commented 6 years ago

Hi @theDude30,

any update on this? i'm still having issues sound issues on iOS

Yes, I've started implementing the workaround. I'll share a PR this week.

I've tried using the "workaroundWebKitBug180748" option and it worked but the biggest problem that it broadcasts the microphone which i really don't want in that point.

Sorry, how do you mean? Is this because you attach to the AudioContext destination, which defaults to playing out? I'm still testing myself. EDIT: Another option that may avoid play-out is to use two RTCPeerConnections in loopback and monitor getStats.

markandrus commented 6 years ago

@quentinhayot @theDude30 I've implemented the workaroundWebKitBug180748 proposal here: Do either of y'all mind trying it out? You'd have to build the branch until we cut a proper RC. I'm having a bit of troubling validating the implementation, because I can't always trigger the bug.

theDude30 commented 6 years ago

I've built the branch and did tests. User 1: OSX Chrome 67 User 2: iPad air, ios 11.4, safari.

Scenario 1: Users connect using the workaround

Video.connect(data.token, {name: room,audio: { workaroundWebKitBug180748: true },video:false }).then(roomJoined, function (error) {

Result: Ipad user is prompted to broadcast his microphone, once allowed the ipad could see and hear the chrome user and everything is working properly.

Scenario 2: Users connect normally and broadcast with the workaround Video.connect(data.token, {name: room,audio: false,video:false }).then(roomJoined, function (error) {

Twilio.Video.createLocalTracks({video: true,audio: { workaroundWebKitBug180748: true }}) Result: No microphone allow prompt in the connect and the iPad user could not hear the chrome user(he could see the video but could not hear anything).


  1. In order to make it work users must connect with the workaroundWebKitBug180748: true .
  2. It make no effect when using workaroundWebKitBug180748: true in createLocalTracks.
  3. Although the workaround parameter works, it prompts the iPad user to allow the microphone which is not really broadcasting the microphone. I know that this is how the workaround works and it's because of apple but i'm wondering if there is anything else that could have implemented to not showing this prompt to the user.
markandrus commented 6 years ago

@theDude30 it's strange it doesn't work for you in the second case. It should essentially be the same as the first. Note, however, it won't always workaround the issue. Nevertheless, we'll release it in 1.11.0.

  1. Although the workaround parameter works, it prompts the iPad user to allow the microphone which is not really broadcasting the microphone. I know that this is how the workaround works and it's because of apple but i'm wondering if there is anything else that could have implemented to not showing this prompt to the user.

What do you mean by "prompts the iPad user to allow the microphone"? The workaround is specifically for the case where you are attempting to publish audio, so it must prompt for the microphone anyway.

raduanastase commented 5 years ago

For me, when I'm using workaroundWebKitBug180748 flag, the video stops working, but the audio works fine. Any news on when will this be fixed?

manjeshbhargav commented 5 years ago

Hi @raduanastase ,

Thanks for writing in with your issue. When you say the video stops working, do you mean that the local video preview also freezes along with the video on the remote size? Can you share a Room SID and a screenshot of the behavior if possible?


Manjesh Malavalli JSDK Team

raduanastase commented 5 years ago

After fixing the errors in my code, it started working :) Sorry about that. The video didn't freeze, it didn't start at all.

EugeneNF commented 4 years ago got fixed Sept 2019

manjeshbhargav commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

I'm closing this issue since the webkit bug has been fixed.


Manjesh Malavalli JSDK Team