twilio / twilio-voice-react-native-app

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Login Error in Reference App - "ID_TOKEN_UNDEFINED" & "LOGIN_REJECTED" #73

Closed kjdfjhdjkh closed 1 year ago

kjdfjhdjkh commented 1 year ago


I have the Twilio Voice React Native App installed and I get to the point where I login. I created a user account and tried to login and it says the following in the node console:

 LOG  registration/loginAndRegister/pending
 LOG  user/login/pending
 LOG  user/login/rejected {
  "reason": "ID_TOKEN_UNDEFINED"
 LOG  registration/loginAndRegister/rejected {
  "reason": "LOGIN_REJECTED"
 ERROR  {"reason": "LOGIN_REJECTED"}

I've followed the "Setting Up Auth0 Authentication" and set the callback URLs and everything. I set the Identifier in Auth0 as something that isn't a URL - could that have something to do with it?

Would this be because I don't have a Reference Server set up yet? Is that something that I can modify to have point to a Twilio Serverless Functions service?

I know there are a few questions here. Thank you for any information you can provide 😊

kjdfjhdjkh commented 1 year ago

Apparently my mistake again. In example.env, I replaced the part in AUTH0_SCOPE=openid profile email with the email address I was going to use for the login. I didn't realize that those were the scopes being used.

I guess that's what I get for not knowing what I'm doing and trying to figure everything out by trial and error lol