twilio / video-quickstart-android

Twilio Video Quickstart for Android
MIT License
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App crash on orientation change with media projection permission is on #752

Closed VivekKannaV closed 5 months ago

VivekKannaV commented 9 months ago


Application crashes when media projection permission is ON & if we change the device orientation.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Raise connection request
  2. Room connected but media projection permission is ON
  3. Change Orientation & Accept the permission
  4. End first session
  5. Raise second connection request
  6. Room connected but media projection permission is ON
  7. Change the orientation

PF video link:

Expected Behavior

App stays with permission with no crash

Actual Behavior

App got crash

Reproduces how Often



val options = ConnectOptions.Builder(accessToken)
            .encodingParameters(EncodingParameters(16, 0))

val activeRoom = Video.connect(context, options, this)

This code will be invoked when user accepts the permission

fun startScreenShare(mediaInputResult: ActivityResult) {
        val screenCapturer = ScreenCapturer(context, mediaInputResult.resultCode,!!, listener)
        val localVideoTrack = LocalVideoTrack.create(context, true, screenCapturer)
        if (localVideoTrack != null) {

This code will be invoked to disconnect the room

activeRoom = null


Twilio crash on orientation change.txt



Video Android SDK

7.6.4 Note: We didn't face any crash with v7.6.1

Android API

TARGET_SDK = 33 Android SDK: 30, Release: 11

Android Device

Samsung Tab Active A Model: SM-T295 Hardware: qcom

VivekKannaV commented 9 months ago

Please note the following observation:

If we have the following code, we don't face crash at all even in v7.6.4

activeRoom?.localParticipant?.localVideoTracks?.firstOrNull()?.localVideoTrack?.release() // This line fixes the crash
activeRoom = null

But we don't wanna add this line because activeRoom?.disconnect() is expected to do this resource release. Also to be noted, all works good enough without the release() code with v7.6.1

afalls-twilio commented 8 months ago

@VivekKannaV how are you handling orientation changes in your application? are you setting android:configChanges="orientation in the manifiest or are you letting the system tear down and restart your activity?

VivekKannaV commented 8 months ago

@afalls-twilio Yes, we're setting android:configChanges="orientation" in the manifest.

afalls-twilio commented 7 months ago

@VivekKannaV I presume you are also setting screenSize as well? so in your AndroidManifest looks like, android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize"? (screenSize is needed on Android 13+).

Also, what is the logcat output?

I suspect the issue is with your app and the handling of the screen share related permissions. The room connection should not be being disconnected, and so it begs the question, why is disconnect being called, is onDestroy(..) being invoked? The Activities onDestroyed() should not be being called when the devices is rotated if the configChanges are set up correctly and onConfigurationChanged is being handled.

I have included and updated version of the screen-share-demo that we used from the previous screen share issue filed that does not crash when rotated, even when the system permission dialog is up. [Uploading screen-share-demo.tgz…]()

VivekKannaV commented 7 months ago

@afalls-twilio Pls find the config changes setting here. This is from our actual project android:configChanges="screenSize|keyboardHidden|orientation|fontScale|uiMode|navigation|keyboard|fontWeightAdjustment"

To narrow it down, This is from our sample forked Twilio-video-quickstart project. (We face the same crash) android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize"

Also, what is the logcat output?

Pls check the logs section in the very first comment

Why is disconnect being called, in onDestroy(..)?

No, we don't invoke disconnect() in onDestroy()

afalls-twilio commented 7 months ago

@VivekKannaV thank you for the info.

I suspect that the quickstart example does not handle the case when the phone is rotated when the app is backgrounded and waiting for the user to accept the permissions needed for screen sharing. The quickstarts were intended to serve as an example, not as the complete solution.

Looking at your log, I suspect it is crashing because the intent sent to initiate the media projection service is invalid after the device is rotated.. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid media projection

I have prepared a demo for us to go back and forth with to help reproduce the issue. I was unable to repo the issue with the demo, so please take a look, See if you can make it crash with the demo. Feel free to inspect the demo's source code to see how we handle the case when the devices is rotated when the system permissions dialog is up.

The demo is intended to be ran on two devices, where one device initiates the screen share and the other receives the screen share. As such, on line 68 & 70 of, is where you put the respective tokens for each sessions and on line 72, is where you set which token is used for that instance.

The demo is located here.. Thanks!

VivekKannaV commented 7 months ago

@afalls-twilio We have a forked quick start project. I have added a couple of commits for your ref.


Please feel free to checkout the last two commits from this project that would help your team to repro this issue.

Kindly follow the steps shared in the first comment. You could repro the crash from e02d776 this commit. Also added a video that was taken from this quick start project for ref. Let us know if it helps or need more info.

Pls use the below info to join in web Link: Room: Vivek23

Note: Twilio web link will be accessible for two weeks.

afalls-twilio commented 7 months ago

@VivekKannaV I cannot run your demo because it depends on being part of your firebase project, which I'm not part of.. I don't have access to your google-services.json...

Several Things.. 1) Did you get a chance to check out the demo I sent you, where the screen can be rotated without crashes? 2) Why are you releasing the video track when the device is rotated in the first place? 3) Are you failing to unpublish to track before releasing it?


vijimani17 commented 5 months ago

Issue has been fixed , We can go ahead close the ticket based on @VivekKannaV confirmation.