twilio / video-quickstart-ios

Twilio Video Quickstart for iOS
MIT License
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Video freezing after seconds from joining the room. #506

Closed MhmdRizk closed 3 years ago

MhmdRizk commented 4 years ago


First I ran the quickstart app on two different iPhones and tested it and it's working perfectly. Anyway I copied the whole flow into the new app I want to create, everything is working perfectly for the first few seconds then The video is freezing. what I mean by freezing that I can see my own preview and the recipient can see his own preview, but the participant and the recipient can see only the last captured image of the video.

I tried this from iOS to iOS and faced this issue.

I tried this from Android to Android and didn't face this issue.

I tried this from iOS to Android and vice versa, only the android see a frozen video.

so I think the issue is while sending the video.

a final note that the voice track is working perfectly, only the video track is freezing.


logs from app A on iOS RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Video track created RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Attempting to connect to room XXXXXXXXX RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Video track created RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Connected to room XXXXXXXXX as YYYYYYYYYY RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Participant ZZZZZZZZZ connected with 1 audio and 1 video tracks RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Subscribed to WWWWWWWWWWWW audio track for Participant ZZZZZZZZZ RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Subscribed to RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR video track for Participant ZZZZZZZZZ

logs from app B on iOS RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Video track created RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Attempting to connect to room XXXXXXXXX RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Video track created RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Connected to room XXXXXXXXX as NNNNNNNNN RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Subscribed to Microphone audio track for Participant DDDDDDDDD RIZK:-LoggingCalls ::: Subscribed to Camera video track for Participant DDDDDDDDD


Video app version: - TwilioVideo (~> 3.0) iOS version: 13.5, 13.5.1, 13.4 Device: iPhone XS, iPhone X, iPhone 6s Xcode version: 11.3.1

paynerc commented 4 years ago


First off I would like extend an apology for not responding to this issue sooner.

Are you still experiencing this issue? Above you stated that you are using TwilioVideo (~>3.0). Can you tell me the exact version that you are consuming?

One thing that would be helpful is if you could provide room sids where this occurs as well as debug level logs from the iOS device?

You can email them to, reference this Github issue and then post the issue number here and I can get to the information. Those pieces of info will help get us started troubleshooting what is going on.

I look forward to hearing back from you on this.


Balasnest commented 4 years ago

@paynerc This issue is causing in android and iOS. Huge delay in rendering remote video First frame. Will collate and share SID tomorrow. I have checked in Twilio console recording section and video is recorded completely without any delay or black screen.

I have already raised on other thread. Please look into this on priority.

More info:

Similar issue related to android: ios - 536

Similar issue related to iOS: ios - 214 ios - 240 ios - 275

Similar issue related to RN: RN - 94

Faced in all mediums.

paynerc commented 4 years ago


Just checking in to see if you had a chance to provide Room Sids to help troubleshoot this issue.

Thank you,


paynerc commented 3 years ago


Are you still experiencing this issue?


paynerc commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue as we have no received a response for this in a while. Please feel free to reopen and provide the further requested info.
