twilson63 / express-coffee

A Template for NodeJs Application using Express, CoffeeScript, Jade, Stylus, Nib
MIT License
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What abwt using #33

Closed ghost closed 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago is an application assembler. It makes sense to use if if your front end code is using front end mvc's like backbonejs. It also provides browser autoreload functionality once any client file is changed.

Integrating it with express is pretty straighfoward: express's public dir is actually brunch's public dir!

Brunch would also replace connect-assets. So, what do you think about it? :)

P.S. I've been personally using it in production for a while now. It is also used at delicious and Uber :P

twilson63 commented 11 years ago

Hey Piotr,

I have heard great things about Brunch, although I have not had time to use it. There are a lot of create scaffolding solutions out there and it is hard to know which one is the right one to pick. But the purpose of express-coffee is not to try to be too much of a brunch or grunt tool, but more of a boiler plate and learning tool. For developers interested in understanding how express works using coffee-script. If you can explain how brunch will keep these goals and improve the project, I would be all for receiving a pull request.

Thanks again for checking express-coffee out, I hope it helps you get started with express and coffeescript.
