twingly / twingly-search-api-ruby

:gem: Twingly Blog Search API in Ruby
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Automatically convert Query#start_time and #end_time to UTC #46

Closed roback closed 8 years ago

roback commented 8 years ago

Noticed that the documentation above start_time= does not show up in the yard documentation, but at least its documented in the code. Found an issue on yard for that: but it doesn't look as it will be fixed :(

close #43

dentarg commented 8 years ago

setter= documentation is hidden if used with attr_accessor or attr_reader

so if we remove our attr_readers it wont be hidden?

dentarg commented 8 years ago

so if we remove our attr_readers it wont be hidden?

yes, first thing mentioned in the issue, sorry :)

dentarg commented 8 years ago

IMHO we want to the documentation to not be hidden, not using two attr_readers seems like a small tradeoff we can handle

roback commented 8 years ago

IMHO we want to the documentation to not be hidden, not using two attr_readers seems like a small tradeoff we can handle

I agree, I haven't tested the things suggested in the issue yet, but I'll do that.

dentarg commented 8 years ago

I think we are happy now :) Good work!

walro commented 8 years ago


roback commented 8 years ago

Im not sure if this is a breaking change or not. It is a breaking change for the users that (wrongly?) used the client with non-UTC times, as they will receive another result when making a query now. The users that converts to UTC themselves will still get the same result back from the api now, as they did before.

roback commented 8 years ago

It is a breaking change for the start_time and end_time getters though.

walro commented 8 years ago

I think we could call it a bug-fix actually, so bumping the last digit is fine for me.

walro commented 8 years ago

It is a breaking change for the start_time and end_time getters though.

Ah, true.

dentarg commented 8 years ago

It is a breaking change for the start_time and end_time getters though.

That they now always return the time in UTC?

roback commented 8 years ago

That they now always return the time in UTC?


dentarg commented 8 years ago

Let's :shipit:?

roback commented 8 years ago


jage commented 8 years ago

It is a breaking change for the start_time and end_time getters though.

Agree, I think the breaking change is the to_time though, if you pass in an object and then want to compare with #end_time or #start_time it will fail since the getter might return another object than the setter received.

[7] pry(main)> d =
=> #<DateTime: -4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 ((0j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
[8] pry(main)> d.to_time == d
=> false

UTC "should not" break anything since the time objects can be compared/transformed.

[1] pry(main)> t =
=> 2016-02-15 21:15:40 +0100
[2] pry(main)> t == t.utc
=> true

In #15 we ensured that we would get the same object out as we put into the start_time/end_time. That allowed users of the gem to easier compare the query dates with the result dates. Now they might be mutated if they aren't Time objects.


Interesting that we use Time here but Post#indexed and Post#published return DateTime objects