twinko / Amazfit-watchface-Xdrip-guide

Here you can find a guide / tutorial on how to adapt a watchface to the needs of xdrip support. Main credit goes to Artem Kovalenko aka bigdigital.
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Questions or comments here #10

Open twinko opened 2 years ago

twinko commented 2 years ago

Feel free to leave a feedback

juanrra242 commented 2 years ago

Hello and thanks for this superb collection of watchfaces. Just a question , can the AOD content of the AOD watchfaces be changed ? i mean add hour in the top part of the screen ,just over the the glucemic info. Model is gtr2e Thanks in advance!!

twinko commented 2 years ago

@juanrra242 Yeah thats definitely possible.

  1. download the desired WF
  2. Load it into Watchface Editor (
  3. Change the AOD (there should be a selector at the bottom of WF-Editor)
  4. Follow part 1.2 of the guide


juanrra242 commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much , i´ll try and post finished watchface.

cronikle commented 2 years ago


The work developed with the watchfaces is impressive. I am developing one and I have doubts in the "preparation of the final watchface"

When you describe: _Go to ....\AmazFit_Watchface_Editor_2\Tools hold shift + right click on this folder Choose "Open Powershell window here" To pack your json you just need to navigate to the tools folder and run a command like this main.exe --gtr2 47 --file config-file.json where config-file.json is written, the location of your json is needed. I had some trouble with that and needed to add the entire path in front of main.exe so it went something like this: C:\Users\twinko\Desktop\AmazFit_Watchface_Editor_2\Tools\main.exe --gtr2 47 --file C:\Users\twinko\Desktop\AmazFit_Watchface_Editor_2\Watch_face\gtr2-g7en-colormix03-346659-994092c337\Small\WF_2V01. json As a result, you should receive an unpacked bin file.

I don't know how Main.exe works, but powershell doesn't recognize these instructions, giving an error in the string main.exe --gtr2 47 --file config-file.json.

Should the gtr2 47 always be referenced or does it depend on the watch model? Is this some reference to the files or the watchface?

Regards and thank you very much in advance.

twinko commented 2 years ago

Hi @cronikle

Can you provide a Screenshot of the powershell window including the error you get? Please try to put in the full path and not only main.exe. As i wrote i also had trouble with that.

Please change the watch model depending on the watchface you want wo create.

cronikle commented 2 years ago

Hello!! important: usage main.exe [-h] [--vergelite] [--gtr {42,47}] [--gtr2 {42,47}] [--gts] [--gts2] [--trexpro] [--oldformat] [--trex] [--x] [--file FILE [FILE ...]] [--to_raw] [--from_raw] [--border_alignment] main.exe: error: unrecognized arguments: --gts2e

twinko commented 2 years ago

@cronikle as it says, try - - gts2 42 (or 47) not gts2e

If there is still an error please send the line you put in powershell

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

14-WF-GTS2e-WF2-reallife Hi together, i tried to install this watchface on me GTS2E, it worked but the bloodsugar Value is still empty.

I tried the Guide but i get to many erros when i try something. Can someone please help me and send the needed file so that the bloodsugar Value will display on the watch?

Thanks a lot for the amazing work

cronikle commented 2 years ago

If only the blood glucose value is not displayed, you probably have modified the config.json configuration that you have in the xdrip folder of your mobile. To test it, copy in the xdrip folder a file with the original configuration.

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

i did that but still doesnt show up. It looks like this wf-2-gts2e

cronikle commented 2 years ago

Follow the instructions to place the pixel in the WF. Probably you haven't got the position...

1.1.2 Place my_image.png at the right place in the WF

Now open up WFE again, you should notice, that we have a cutout in the middel of our watchface. (if not save your cutout image as background picture, 0001.png) navigate to Edit--> Activity -->Fat-burning-->Icon Copy the folowing picture located here: ## GTR-2-WF-Xdrip-EN/Guide/0099.png it is only 1 pixel. We will replace it later with the my_image.png via code. But this saves us a lot of watchface size. Now you need to put it in top left corner of our cutout and save the json. To find the right coordinates, read "1.3.1 How find the right coordinates in PS" below.

twinko commented 2 years ago

i did that but still doesnt show up. It looks like this

Does it look like this on the watch? Because in the preview of the watchface editor, the glucose never got shown. You only can see it when you actually use it on your watch

cronikle commented 2 years ago

In the watchface you can view the image configured in config.json archive. Only one detail more to can view data un your gts2:

FILE CONFIG.JSON! resource_to_replace put in the number of the image we choose for Fat-burning-->Icon (if your first image is named 0001.png) reduce the number by one. The algorith starts counting with 0 and his 0 iem will be our 0001.png). This is an important detail!!

twinko commented 2 years ago

@cronikle @richy-rich79 I think there is a confusion happening here. Richy is trying to install an already creted and finished watchface. The reason why no bg is showing is because @richy-rich79 didn't follow the guide on how to insfall a new watchface. Please follow the guide step by step and be sure to copy all the files to the xdrip folder

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

Hello together,

i try to install an already created and finished watchface. The Guide tells that i have to put 3 files in the xdrip folder on the Phone. The Watchface appears on the watch, but the place where the bg had to be shown is empty. This is an actually picture how it looks on the Watch. 20220601_233531

twinko commented 2 years ago

Hey @richy-rich79 first of all: you postet in the wrong repository. Thats why we where a little confused.

Please redue all the steps described here:

If that doesn't help, please create an issue in the watchface collection repo and tag the creator of this watchface, i cant test it, i dont have the gts2e.

cronikle commented 2 years ago

Good Morning!

I have designed a new watchface for GTS2/GTS2E that I thought to share. It's a SPANISH VERSION. There are three files in a ZIP file that have to be placed in the xdrip folder of your mobile phone, replacing the existing ones. It's important to replace the existing ones, but you should make a backup of yours before. I share a preview, a photo and a video of the watchface running. The glucose value and graph should be displayed, I like to see on the watch.

Thank you all for helping me, this is my contribution! wf Preview

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

Hi again, i tried to install the watchface from the above Comment, but still the BG doesnt show up. Might there be a problem with xdrip+?

This is how it looks for me 20220602_120846

twinko commented 2 years ago

@richy-rich79 do you use artems xdrip version?

@cronikle This looks great! Thank you so much. Im on holidays right now but will add your watchface to the watchface collection as soon as im back.

cronikle commented 2 years ago

@twinko thank you!!! It would have been impossible to do anything without the guidance and help given! @richy-rich79 twinko may be right, the version of xdrip is artems version and you need to have the watch linked with zepp in order to receive data. it's probably the mistake...

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

@cronikle i use the xdrip Version 0.7 from artems and connected with Zepp and everything. It works so far but not with another watchface.

In the Video you all can see what i mean.

cronikle commented 2 years ago

@richy-rich79 It must be an xdrip setup issue: the watchface does not show activity data and the Nike image, xdrip image and glucose graph are all activity parameters. Recheck the settings.

cronikle commented 2 years ago

A new idea. Check zepp app permissions. zepp app

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

@cronikle Zepp app permission are ok, physical activity is activated. I dont know where i can check some other settings in the xdrip App. Maybe you can link me the latest xdrip App so that i can try it again. Thank you

cronikle commented 2 years ago

The version of installed xdrip-myband? 0.6.3 or 0.7???

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

i installed Version 0.7

cronikle commented 2 years ago

I think this is the problem. You need to install 0.6.3 version. You can download It from

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

after installing Version 0.6.3 it is still the same issue. No BG Data on the Watchface :-(

cronikle commented 2 years ago

Reboot both devices and make sure all settings are correct afterwards. I have it working as it appears in the video I shared.

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

i did a reboot on both devices. As i mentioned on the default Watchface everything is perfect, but when i switch to a custom Watchface the BG Values disapear. All i have done is uploading the files into the xdrip Folder on the Phone (S20 FE). The seetings i have made in xdrip are in the MiBand Section.. Well at least its not that complicated i guess. Software i´m using: xdrip 0.6.3 and zepp 5.6.1 with Amazfit GTS2e

twinko commented 2 years ago

Hi @richy-rich79

Hmmm thats wired. So if the default wf works i dont think its a version or settings issue. I would recommend using the latest version (0.7). The only problem i can imagine is that something is not right with copying the files of the custom wf to yoir phone.

Please backup your xdrip folder (e.g. By renaming it) make sure there is absolutely no file inside. Than copy over the new files. I once had the problem, that the files didn't get copied when i tried using my pc. It only worked when i downloaded them. Directly with the phone.

Moreover check if your watch has the latest firmeware.

Custom watchface is enabled in miband settings in xdrip right?

cronikle commented 2 years ago

In my case, version 0.7 of xdrip-my band didn't work, I had to go back to 0.6.3. It is very important to copy the files and replace them with the new ones you have in the xdrip folder (including config.json, which marks the position of myimage.png in your watchface). Connect and enable GPS on both devices too.

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

Hi again guys, thanks for the suppot. I finaly got it to work now. The Problem was the Smartwatch Software, after an update everything shows now correctly.

cronikle commented 2 years ago

@richy-rich79 photo please😅

richy-rich79 commented 2 years ago

Here you go 😅


cronikle commented 2 years ago

😇 It's an amazing watchface😅 Congratulations!!👏👏

twinko commented 2 years ago

@cronikle finaly postet your wf to the collection, thank you again

Harrypatz commented 6 months ago

Hello, I see that everything here is a little older, I'm getting a GTS 2 today, and wanted to install one of your watchfaces, now I see here that an old xDrip from Artem has to be used, only that it can no longer be installed and used with AAPS. Does it also work with the current normal versions?

Greetings Harry

twinko commented 6 months ago

@Harrypatz download the latest watchdrip version here: And use tge katest xdrip. U can still. Install custom watchfaces as described here

Harrypatz commented 6 months ago

Hi, thanks for the quick reply, I already have Watchdrip v0.3.1, since I've been working with GTS 2 mini these days, I got it from Artem a few days ago, which now also runs with the current xDrip version.

What does tge katest xdrip mean? I realise that you mean katest latest, but tge?

Greetings Harry

twinko commented 6 months ago

Sorry it means : use the latest xdrip version. Was typing on my phone. in the watchdrip app you can activate custom watchface (advanced settings)

Using it the same way right now on my gtr2e

Harrypatz commented 6 months ago

Hello, my GTS 2 runs with the original Watchdrip watchface and also with Nike-green, unfortunately there is no more :-)

My problem is that when the smartphone goes to the lock screen, after a certain time no data is sent to the watch, I am currently also using a Wear-OS watch at the same time, which does not have this problem. As soon as I switch off the lock screen, the watch is synchronised.

My second question is whether the characters on the blood glucose display can be enlarged, the numbers are too small for me.

Greetings Harry

twinko commented 6 months ago

HI @Harrypatz i dont have to problem with the lock screen (aod - always on Screen). But the waztchface titel says no AOD. So thats normal, the watchface doesnt have the functionality.

Your can customize the watchfaces by your own (bigger letters and adding AOD), following this guid:

Its more easy when using one thats already customized for watchdrip (nike green). But yeah its not super easy. If u dive into it, please report back and if possible provide the new watchfaceversion for others to enjoy too.

Harrypatz commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your answer

It's about the lock screen on the smartphone, the watch itself works fine, I also had the problem with the GTS 2 mini.

I've already looked into creating and changing a watch face, but it's only really worth it if the watch receives data continuously, if not it goes back and I would have to stay with the Wear watch, which is not really my goal.

twinko commented 6 months ago

@Harrypatz probably sdomething with battery saver mode. settings--apps-- watchdrip/xdrip--battery--unrestricted

At least thats the way in samsung phones.

Harrypatz commented 6 months ago

I've gone through all the setting options, but it's always the same, probably due to Android 14 :-(


twinko commented 6 months ago

@Harrypatz or its due to gts 2 mini, SUpport for this watch is pretty new.

Harrypatz commented 6 months ago

This is a GTS 2 not a GTS 2 mini