twinssbc / AngularJS-ResponsiveCalendar

A pure AngularJS responsive calendar directive
MIT License
112 stars 77 forks source link

Not getting arrows on top header as shown in Example #71

Open githubmss opened 7 years ago

githubmss commented 7 years ago

Hello sir, i just downloaded your sample and tried to use it in my application , i am not able to see any arrows inorder to move the calendar in following months or in previous month. Instead in my device Swipe is working for moving the calendar to following or previous month.I just need your little help here , Can you please tell me how can i restrict user to move on previous month. I tried to debug it but i am not able to under stand it's exact flow. It would be your great help to me if you can let me know the method where i need to put my condition.

I just want to put restriction so that user can not be able to go to previous month , he/she can only able to view proceeding or following months not the previous ones


twinssbc commented 7 years ago

@githubmss The previous and next button is not part of the calendar. You could add it by yourself. You could also add logic to disabling click these buttons if you want to restrict user.