twintproject / twint

An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
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[Question] is there a way to collect source and type of tweets from scrapper instead of giving a input #1397

Open johnoliver12 opened 2 years ago

johnoliver12 commented 2 years ago

Description of Issue

There is a option to input Source like to get tweets from android or from web. But how can we get the source by default, i mean to say json file is returning "Source" as empty. How can we get the source as output instead of input.

For example:

This is the output sample of Json:

{"id": 1501073077761097728, "conversation_id": "1501073077761097728", "date": "2022-03-08", "time": "10:51:24", "timezone": "+0500", "user_id": 1587915768, "username": "zeerajasthan_", "name": "ZEE Rajasthan", "place": "", "tweet": "Indian Student In Ukraine: कनपटी पर रखी थी बंदूक, जब इंडियन इंडियन चिल्लाए तब छोड़ा, यूक्रेन से लौटी बेटी की आपबीती #UkraineRussianWar #IndianStudents #women #RajasthanNews", "language": "hi", "mentions": [], "urls": [""], "photos": [], "replies_count": 1, "retweets_count": 0, "likes_count": 4, "hashtags": ["ukrainerussianwar", "indianstudents", "women", "rajasthannews"], "cashtags": [], "link": "", "retweet": false, "quote_url": "", "video": 0, "thumbnail": "", "near": "", "geo": "", "source": "", "user_rt_id": "", "user_rt": "", "retweet_id": "", "reply_to": [], "retweet_date": "", "translate": "", "trans_src": "", "trans_dest": ""}

So Source, Geo, near are always returning empty. Is there a way to fill these tags from scrapper?

Environment Details

Using Windows platform, Working nice in Jupyter Notebook.

I hope my question is understandable :-)