twintproject / twint

An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
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c.Favorites not returning anything #844

Open ElizabethCappon opened 3 years ago

ElizabethCappon commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

This is the code in short:

c = twint.Config() c.Username = 'name' c.Store_csv = True c.Output = 'file_name'

I tried both Python 3.6 and 3.7 and I tried updating Twint with pip3 install --user --upgrade -e git+

I found issue #805, but I'm still not able to scrape any likes with .Favorites.

When I use a proxy I don't get anything and the script just seems to hang for a while or I'll get "CRITICAL:root:twint.feed:Mobile:list index out of range".

Not using a proxy I get: "list index out of range [x] feed.MobileFav"

I tried using 'out = c.favorited_tweets_list', but I'll get: AttributeError: 'Config' object has no attribute 'favorited_tweets_list'

I tried it with a limit and without a limit and without storing it as csv. Nothing works.

I'm using Linux Ubuntu

.Favorites(c) not working, seems to be a returning problem. Is there anything that can be done?

ElizabethCappon commented 3 years ago

If I print out self.feed returned by feed.Mobile(response) in line 52 of, tweets are returned. These are the likes I'm looking for. They show as followed: a href="/user_name2064/status/1285865786029088768?p=v">View conversation</a
How can I get Twint to save those on my machine?

AndrewCGreen commented 3 years ago

I found the same issue. So with some investigation, I looked primarily at the MobileFav() function in because it had no logging and line 34 was suspicioulsy different than line 22, which looked like they were doing the same thing. I attempted to change line 34 of tweets = soup.find_all("table", "tweet") to mirror line 22 tweets = soup.find_all("span", "metadata") because the original method was not locating any tweets. Unfortunately that renders the error I also tried adding some logging with no avail.

itcytandchenmeng commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem, I hope the blogger will give a solution

yunusemrecatalcam commented 3 years ago

Check this out!

sharad-s commented 3 years ago

+1 this