twintproject / twint

An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
MIT License
15.68k stars 2.71k forks source link value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) #915

Open linglin506 opened 3 years ago

linglin506 commented 3 years ago

This error will be reported from 0:00 on September 18, 2020. It is found through debug that the page does not exist. Can you fix it?By changing the IP, it can be determined that Twitter is not banning the IP value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) sleeping for 1.0 secs value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) sleeping for 1.0 secs value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) sleeping for 1.0 secs value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) sleeping for 1.0 secs value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) sleeping for 1.0 secs value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) sleeping for 1.0 secs value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) sleeping for 1.0 secs

himanshudabas commented 3 years ago

@estebanpdl Yes it does!

estebanpdl commented 3 years ago

@himanshudabas Great. Just saw the warning about twint.exe. Thanks so much.

fattoooomah commented 3 years ago

We need to find a new endpoint. I loaded the site and saw this link New Api link?. It is important to note that if you copy the request and past it to notepad you can see that the request is provided with headers and you can see that it provides a x-csrf-token and x-guest-token which are required. You can find these tokens in the cookie fields "gt" and "ct0".

This is somewhat the official twitter api and you need a bearer token to access this. The bearertoken is provided in the file. Just search for "AAAAAA" and you can find it.

Now you can craft a GET request in postman with the x-csrf-token, the x-guest-token and the bearer token for authentification.

Thank you.

Can you give an example on how to to do it? Can we use the endpoint '' with your suggestion?

Thank you

YesimSem commented 3 years ago
pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This works!!

carlosiruiz commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

thank you so much!!! it worked

eabanoz commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Thank you so much. It worked for me :)

lhfbc commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Does this version install the command-line tool as well?

I have the same question. After reinstallation, I cannot find the command 'twint'. Any body can help me ?

lhfbc commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Does this version install the command-line tool as well?

I have the same question. After reinstallation, I cannot find the command 'twint'. Any body can help me ?

Ubuntu 18.04 Python 3.6.9

lhfbc commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Does this version install the command-line tool as well?

I have the same question. After reinstallation, I cannot find the command 'twint'. Any body can help me ?

Ubuntu 18.04 Python 3.6.9

DONOT uninstall twint, just upgrade will be OK!

zelinnn commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Does this version install the command-line tool as well?

I have the same question. After reinstallation, I cannot find the command 'twint'. Any body can help me ?

Ubuntu 18.04 Python 3.6.9

DONOT uninstall twint, just upgrade will be OK!

Thank youu!!

muHashh commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same issue even after installing this one: git+

spongycode commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same issue even after installing this one: mgit+

Try this sequence once, it worked for me on Google Colab.

!pip install twint !pip3 install --user --upgrade git+ import twint import nest_asyncio c = twint.Config() c.Username = "github" c.Search = "code" nest_asyncio.apply()

aurigandrea commented 3 years ago

I got the same issue and the previous solution doesn't work now

aravind-naidu commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Thank you so much !!

This isn't working as of today!

waynemaranga commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

This worked. In case it throws an error in a virtual environment, run again without --user

juheesinghal9 commented 3 years ago

This worked :)

miadp commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Thank you, it worked for me!

wildangunawan commented 3 years ago

Jupyter notebook workaround for this issue:

!pip3 uninstall twint -y
!pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

Then continue as usual

import twint
import nest_asyncio

c = twint.Config()
c.Search = "code"
c.Limit = 10

EDIT: This somehow doesn't work in Colab. Use Kaggle Notebook instead. You only need to install the package anyway, no need to uninstall it first. So the script will look like this

!pip3 install --user --upgrade git+
import twint
import nest_asyncio

c = twint.Config()
c.Search = "code"
c.Limit = 10
debjyoti003 commented 3 years ago

after installing the new one, I am getting

~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/twint/ in Tweet(config, t) 21 output = output.replace("{hashtags}", ",".join(t.hashtags)) 22 output = output.replace("{cashtags}", ",".join(t.cashtags)) ---> 23 output = output.replace("{replies}", t.replies_count) 24 output = output.replace("{retweets}", t.retweets_count) 25 output = output.replace("{likes}", t.likes_count)

TypeError: replace() argument 2 must be str, not int

debjyoti003 commented 3 years ago

Is there any specification for installing it on ubuntu?

wildangunawan commented 3 years ago

Is there any specification for installing it on ubuntu?

I have no problem installing it on Ubuntu 16.04 under Conda environtment. I used this command:

pip install --user --upgrade git+
vesuvius13 commented 3 years ago

I got the same issue and the previous solution doesn't work now

create a new virtual environment in anaconda and install python 3.6 in there. conda create -n yourenvname python=3.6 anaconda Then, follow these steps:-

git clone cd twint pip3 install . -r requirements.txt pip3 install --user --upgrade -e git+

Then try to run the script:-

!pip install nest_asyncio import nest_asyncio nest_asyncio.apply()

import twint config = twint.Config() config.Search = "Dogecoin" config.Limit = 10 config.Store_csv = True config.Output = "doge.csv"

romellfudi commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone, when I run the following command:

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

Does it work on MAC OS? I have been trying to use it since 2019

lemiemie commented 3 years ago


Hi everyone, when I run the following command:

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

Does it work on MAC OS? I have been trying to use it since 2019

@romellfudi Yes it works on my macOS. It gave me error message at the beginning but after I deleted the "--user" part it works

zachlagden commented 3 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

thank you so much!!! it worked

worked for me

hglite69 commented 3 years ago

Me Too ^-^

jpblopez commented 2 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

thank you so much!!! it worked

Also worked for me, as of September 2021

asdrubalivan commented 2 years ago

^ This worked for me too!

tsaaii commented 2 years ago

upgrading twint works.

yehfanju commented 2 years ago

pip3 uninstall twint

@tsaaii can you normally scrape all the tweets without encountering limit/date constraints? Thanks!

tsaaii commented 2 years ago

it limits tweets on time line as mentioned in documentation. I haven't seen any date constraints so far.

yehfanju commented 2 years ago

@tsaaii Thanks for your reply! Did you clone the git repo as well or just pips upgrade? I can only get a few tweets after uninstall and reinstall.

tsaaii commented 2 years ago

clone the repo first, upgrade it next. It works for me. Make sure python version is 3.6.

yehfanju commented 2 years ago

@tsaaii Thanks! the 3.6 version and upgrade works for me but only for the latest tweets. Twint does not return anything when specifying since and until. Just want to know if you also cannot retrieve historical tweets or it's just me!

olivermj3 commented 2 years ago

This issue fixed after running this command: pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

However, following this upgrade, it resumed collect briefly (16 tweets recovered then the following print out before the error:

[!] No more data! Scraping will stop now. found 0 deleted tweets in this search.

RefreshTokenException Traceback (most recent call last) /var/folders/7z/866jzymn52zcbnymflj7xhbw0000gn/T/ipykernel_6392/ in 7 filename = str(str(target)+".csv") 8 c.Output = filename ----> 9

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/twint/ in Search(config, callback) 408 config.Followers = False 409 config.Profile = False --> 410 run(config, callback) 411 if config.Pandas_au: 412 storage.panda._autoget("tweet")

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/twint/ in run(config, callback) 327 raise 328 --> 329 get_event_loop().run_until_complete(Twint(config).main(callback)) 330 331

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/twint/ in init(self, config) 34 # USAGE : to get a new guest token simply do self.token.refresh() 35 self.token = token.Token(config) ---> 36 self.token.refresh() 37 self.conn = db.Conn(config.Database) 38 self.d = datelock.Set(self.config.Until, self.config.Since)

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/twint/ in refresh(self) 67 else: 68 self.config.Guest_token = None ---> 69 raise RefreshTokenException('Could not find the Guest token in HTML')

RefreshTokenException: Could not find the Guest token in HTML

fwgood commented 2 years ago


rangersmyth74 commented 2 years ago

!pip install twint !pip3 install --user --upgrade git+ import twint import nest_asyncio c = twint.Config() c.Username = "github" c.Search = "code" nest_asyncio.apply()

Hey all... I am having this problem now in Dec 2021. I have tried all the fixes, but none worked for me. I used Google Cloud Shell and I was able to get twint to work, but then I was getting the same errors.

I was wondering how to use the above date? Do I run it on the command line? Just wondering.


machlovi commented 2 years ago

I am facing the same issue ..I have tried all the solutions. Can anyone help me

fwgood commented 2 years ago


ArshdeepSandhu commented 2 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Thank you very much Himanshu! Was really struggling with this.

ArshdeepSandhu commented 2 years ago

I am facing the same issue ..I have tried all the solutions. Can anyone help me

Have you tried what Himanshu suggested?

skswldndi commented 2 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Uninstall the previous installation of twint using the following command

pip3 uninstall twint

And then reinstall twint using the following command

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

This should work.

Thank you very much Himanshu! Was really struggling with this.

This worked for me! Thanks.

fwgood commented 2 years ago


palavaryunusemre commented 2 years ago

@eabanoz @jiwoochoi-kor @hnodaro Aşağıdaki komutu kullanarak önceki twint kurulumunu kaldırın

pip3 uninstall twint

Ardından aşağıdaki komutu kullanarak twint'i yeniden yükleyin

pip3 install --user --upgrade git+

Bu çalışmalı.

Himanshu'ya çok teşekkür ederim! Bu konuda gerçekten zorlanıyordu.

this didn't work for me

fwgood commented 2 years ago


palavaryunusemre commented 2 years ago

