twisted / mantissa

Divmod Mantissa is an application server with a web interface built using Axiom and Nevow.
MIT License
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Implement new StringEndpointPort #9

Closed mithrandi closed 9 years ago

mithrandi commented 9 years ago

Currently there are a bunch of specialized Port implementations like TCPPort and SSLPort. The axiomatic port create command accepts a strports description of a port, then attempts to reverse-engineer the object it gets from passing this description to strports back into a specific port type. This involves using private Twisted APIs, and is very error-prone / brittle in general.

Instead of doing this, there should just be a StringEndpointPort type, which stores a string endpoint description; axiomatic port create could create such a Port item trivially, and it would also allow using any stream endpoint for which a parser has been implemented, without needing special support for them in Mantissa.