twisted / pydoctor

This is pydoctor, an API documentation generator that works by static analysis.
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Intersphinx from local folder #741

Open miloth opened 9 months ago

miloth commented 9 months ago


We have some privately hosted repos and docs. We are trying to link to those during our docs generation by using locally cloned versions. Yet, if this is in the config:

intersphinx = [

pydoctor throws the following warning:

Failed to uncompress inventory from <LOCAL-REPO-DIR>

Is there a way to add references to local files, like with the intershinx-mapping option of sphinx:

intersphinx_mapping = {"<PACKAGE-NAME>": ("<DOCS-PRIVATE-URL>", "<LOCAL-REPO-DIR>/objects.inv")}

The path to the inv file could be absolute or relative, no real preference on what is more convenient.


tristanlatr commented 9 months ago

Hello @miloth,

There is currently no way to include local objects.inv file. But support for this could be relatively easy to add. Maybe adding an new option —intersphinx-file.

Looking at the file would be a good starting point.

tristanlatr commented 8 months ago

Better, we could simply add support for the file:// scheme.

miloth commented 8 months ago

Hi @tristanlatr, thanks for the response and the suggestions. I don't have hours available to allocate to this, but I will get back to it if I find some.

I don't know if the url file:// scheme will work, because the links in the compiled docs should point to the private URL where the dependency is hosted, not where the local objects.inv files are fetched for the intershpinx at docs compile.

tristanlatr commented 8 months ago

I don't know if the url file:// scheme will work, because the links in the compiled docs should point to the private URL where the dependency is hosted, not where the local objects.inv files are fetched for the intershpinx at docs compile.

I think the is a misunderstanding, I’m not proposing to generate links with the file:// scheme, but to use the file:// scheme in the intersphinx list configuration to differentiate local and remote objects.inv. But, thinking about it twice: it’s probably misguided because the file:// scheme theoretically also support providing a remote host to fetch the file from…

Any opinion about this @glyph ?

glyph commented 8 months ago

But, thinking about it twice: it’s probably misguided because the file:// scheme theoretically also support providing a remote host to fetch the file from…

Any opinion about this @glyph ?

technically speaking, file://host/.../ is valid, but the only practical way to interpret this is a UNC pathname, which is local…enough, I guess. I think using this URI scheme is a good way to disambiguate, and if you want to be careful to not open up an esoteric minor vulnerability that could cause a user's machine to reach out to a surprising UNC host, you can just enforce that the host of the file URI is '' before passing it on.

tristanlatr commented 6 months ago

Easier: if the string doesn’t contain  :// then it’s treated like a file. This is how Sphinx handles it.