twisted / towncrier

Manage the release notes for your project.
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doc: Github release workflows #585

Open LecrisUT opened 2 months ago

LecrisUT commented 2 months ago

It would be nice to document some Github workflow designs that the user can use. I have not included the example yamls, since I am not sure about the cli interface to run this, after studying it a bit, or if someone comments with some implementation I will update this post.


Uses inputs to specify what version to tag (and on which commit/branch to checkout).





Current release cycle is already configured




adiroiban commented 1 month ago

Hi. Thanks for the report.

I think that we should start by using some "reference" command as part of towncrier's GHA YAML file.

We currently have this

but this is called via nox... which makes it a bit harder to read.

One idea is to create a separate composite job for GitHub Actions that can be used as an example for others.

Regarding workflow_dispatch vs push and Cons: Harder to manage bug fix releases

can you please add more details about why it's harder to use towncrier for bugfix releases ?


LecrisUT commented 1 month ago

One idea is to create a separate composite job for GitHub Actions that can be used as an example for others.

Composite action or reusable workflow? The latter addresses how one can design the triggers, inputs, etc. But the former would still be nice to have as well in order to simplify the execution and export the variables. The action could also handle some of the tagging, but that needs to be discussed with an actual implementation and interface.

For the reusable workflow though, everyone might have different usage, e.g. how to handle the release notes. I think for this case it will be better to document instead and discuss how one would use either workflows, what other tools one can integrate this with, etc.

Design wise, I would say using pipx would be preferred because it is pre-built and skips the python-setup action. Although I am not sure if it can integrate with python-setup if users would prefer to use a specific python environment.

Regarding workflow_dispatch vs push and Cons: Harder to manage bug fix releases

can you please add more details about why it's harder to use towncrier for bugfix releases ?


I need to get back in the headspace where I was when I wrote that.

But the more I think about it the more skeptical I am of on.push.tag. It would be nice for the maintainers, but is there an actual way of implementing it?

adiroiban commented 1 month ago

I am not sure what are the problems that you want to solve using towncrier

For CI, you usually want to use the towncrier check command.

We have the general usage documentation here.

If someting is not clear, we might want to start by improving that documentation.

towncrier check is executed for every commit, before a merge into the main branch.

LecrisUT commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I was intending to write up an example workflow, which would describe the issue more clearly. This is not about a CI workflow, but a CD workflow, i.e. how to create the tag and/or release using the contents of a .changelog.d. For example, one CD workflow I have in a project looks like:

.github/workflows/release.yaml ```yaml name: 🚀 release run-name: Release ${{ github.ref_name }} on: push: tags: - "v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+" - "v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+-rc[0-9]+" jobs: tests: name: tests uses: ./.github/workflows/step_test.yaml build-wheel: name: build-wheel needs: [ tests ] uses: ./.github/workflows/step_build-wheel.yaml upload_pypi: name: Upload to PyPI repository needs: [ tests, build-wheel ] runs-on: ubuntu-latest environment: name: pypi url: permissions: id-token: write steps: - name: Get sdist uses: actions/download-artifact@v4 with: name: Packages path: dist - name: Get wheels uses: actions/download-artifact@v4 with: pattern: cibw-wheels-* path: dist merge-multiple: true - name: Publish package to PyPI uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1 release: needs: [ upload_pypi ] name: Create release runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: name: Spglib ${{ github.ref_name }} draft: true prerelease: ${{ contains(github.ref, 'rc') }} generate_release_notes: true ```

Some example workflows would help figure out how to integrate with this release automation.

The design questions to answer:

adiroiban commented 1 month ago

I don't think that towncrier was designed for this use case.

You might want to check ... I have not used, but from what I remember, you don't need to commit anything. it alwasy keeps all the fragments and always re-generates the release notes

towncrier was designed to be used in a release process that works something like the one documented here

you manually generage the version number, commit the release notes and the push the tag.

LecrisUT commented 1 month ago

I understand, that's why I was showing the 2 workflows to also give the user ideas of how to adapt from 1 to another. The release workflow there is to show-case where a user might be coming from and what they would need to adapt.

There could be 2 approaches here:

adiroiban commented 1 month ago

Feel free to send a PR with what you thing might be useful ... or wait for others to add more feedback to this issue.

I am using a different release process, so I am not very familiar with the problem that is discusses here.