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docs(tutorial): Fix location of filename introduction #586

Closed infinisil closed 2 months ago

infinisil commented 2 months ago


Previously the filename option was only mentioned in the Python-specific section. This moves it earlier to the correct place.


adiroiban commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the change.

The result is here

infinisil commented 2 months ago

Currently, the tutorial contains this part:

The most basic configuration is just telling towncrier where to look for news fragments:

directory = "changes"

Which will look into “./changes” for news fragments and write them into “./NEWS.rst”.

Note the and write them into “./NEWS.rst”..

This confused me when reading, because while I clearly saw how ./changes was specified, it's not clear why ./NEWS.rst would be used.

Only after reading the next paragraph the connection can be made, but that section is about Python specifically:

If you’re working on a Python project, you can also specify a package:

# The name of your Python package
package = "myproject"
# The path to your Python package.
# If your package lives in 'src/myproject/', it must be 'src',
# but if you don't keep your code in a 'src' dir, remove the
# config option
package_dir = "src"
# Where you want your news files to come out. This can be .rst
# or .md, towncrier's default template works with both.
filename = "NEWS.rst"

But there it's very easy to miss.

filename is not a required argument and for now it defaults to NEWS.rst

Ah I didn't know that. I think it's still worth pointing out that it can be specified to avoid the above confusion, maybe something like this:

directory = "changes"
# Where you want your news files to come out, `NEWS.rst` is the default.
# This can be .rst or .md, towncrier's default template works with both.
# filename = "NEWS.rst"
adiroiban commented 2 months ago

Many thanks for your feedback.

The feedback from people new to the project is critical.

Ah I didn't know that. I think it's still worth pointing out that it can be specified to avoid the above confusion, maybe something like this:


Beside changing the configuration example, I think that is important to also update the narrative doc paragraph from above that introduces the example.

I left an inline comment for that.


adiroiban commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the update. I have enabled auto-merge. I hope this will get merged soon.