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Refactor issue_key function to sort issues in a human-friendly way #608

Closed SmileyChris closed 2 weeks ago

SmileyChris commented 3 weeks ago


In the issue key sorting method, there's this comment:

        # Maybe we should sniff strings like "gh-10" -> (10, "gh-10")?

Let's do that.

To be more backwards compatible, we'll continue putting just plain numbers last. In reality, it's very unlikely a project is mixing issue types, but if they are, then they'll be grouped:

>>> sorted(["2", "#11", "#3", "gh-10", "gh-4", "omega", "alpha"], key=issue_key)
['alpha', 'omega', '#3', '#11', 'gh-4', 'gh-10', '2']


SmileyChris commented 2 weeks ago

I am not sure what an "issue" is: news fragment vs ticket ID

@adiroiban I actually decided to switch to issue rather than ticket. My logic is it's the only term actually used in code and changing it for consistency would be backwards incompatible.

We use the issue_format configuration option and the issues_by_category context argument when rendering.

Even though it's not your preference, are you ok with using "issue" across the board instead of ticket?

adiroiban commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the update

Even though it's not your preference, are you ok with using "issue" across the board instead of ticket?

Sure. No problem.

Your suggestion is much bettter.

Happy to see some improvements here
