twisted / treq

Python requests like API built on top of Twisted's HTTP client.
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Bump release dependencies #374

Closed twm closed 8 months ago

twm commented 8 months ago

Let's do a release!

Fixes #364. Fixes #375.

glyph commented 8 months ago

Removed the offending checks from required statuses.

(We should do a top-level catch-all treq-required like klein-required)

twm commented 8 months ago

Thanks @glyph, you beat me to it!

twm commented 8 months ago

And I copied a 'treq-required' from Klein. Thank you for the suggestion!

glyph commented 8 months ago

@twm says 3.8 is still in security support for 2½ more years; I thought that was our threshold? (3.7 is dead for real)

twm commented 8 months ago

@glyph Yup, it was PyPy 3.8 that I deprecated. I've been removing PyPys when they disappear from

glyph commented 8 months ago

Oops! carry on, then