#6538 adds a facility to Deferred to track the history of callbacks. This history should be given to related Failures and when a Failure's traceback is formatted it should display the history in an easy-to-read way.
To be a bit more concrete about the expected behavior:
if an exception is raised from a callback, the Deferred's history should be included in the automatically created Deferred
if a Failure is returned from a callback, the Deferred's history should be inserted into that Failure (assuming it doesn't already have one?)
Thus the Deferred history as included in a Failure represents the history of the Deferred at the point at which there was an error (the history need not implicitly update with further callbacks after this event; if it does, it should be very explicitly demarcated as post-error in the output).
Then, when the Failure is formatted through its various formatting methods, the Deferred history should be rendered along with the traceback.
#6538 adds a facility to Deferred to track the history of callbacks. This history should be given to related Failures and when a Failure's traceback is formatted it should display the history in an easy-to-read way.
To be a bit more concrete about the expected behavior:
Thus the Deferred history as included in a Failure represents the history of the Deferred at the point at which there was an error (the history need not implicitly update with further callbacks after this event; if it does, it should be very explicitly demarcated as post-error in the output).
Then, when the Failure is formatted through its various formatting methods, the Deferred history should be rendered along with the traceback.
Searchable metadata
``` trac-id__6589 6589 type__enhancement enhancement reporter__radix radix priority__normal normal milestone__ branch__ branch_author__ status__assigned assigned resolution__None None component__core core keywords__ time__1371850213000000 1371850213000000 changetime__1373000683000000 1373000683000000 version__None None owner__radix radix ```