twitchax / AspNetCore.Proxy

ASP.NET Core Proxies made easy.
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Specific HTTP method and route proxy #102

Open ce-kkoziel opened 1 year ago

ce-kkoziel commented 1 year ago

Hi @twitchax,

I am trying to solve folowing scenario:

I was trying with RunProxy middleware UseHttp and HttpContext as an input like this:


      application.RunProxy(proxyBuilder =>
        proxyBuilder.UseHttp((context, args) =>
            if (context.Request.Method == "GET" && context.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/api/v1/some"))
                return "dest_url";

            return ???


But still need return something if condition was not met, null or empty string not working. :/ It seems this middleware usage suggest to proxy all request somewhere?

Is there any other solution rather than this?

Something like this, but only MapGet?

Thanks in advance for your help.