When there are multiple query options and a fields Array passed to request-endpoint, the fields Array is processed once for each option and appended to the query string result, such that requests like:
...results in a request url of https://igdbcom-internet-game-database-v1.p.mashape.com/release_dates/?filter[game][eq]=38722&fields=human,region,platform.name,game.name,game.cover.url&expand=platform,game&fields=human,region,platform.name,game.name,game.cover.url&limit=50&fields=human,region,platform.name,game.name,game.cover.url
The fields array should be processed separately from the options, or a sentinel set to that it is only processed and appended to the query string once.
When there are multiple query options and a fields Array passed to request-endpoint, the fields Array is processed once for each option and appended to the query string result, such that requests like:
...results in a request url of
The fields array should be processed separately from the options, or a sentinel set to that it is only processed and appended to the query string once.
Reported by @Cohaven in #16