I am confused with the 'period' perimeter in in function AnomalyDetectionVec. I have minute level data for a day which is 1440 data record in total. I want to use AnomalyDetectionVec to find anomalies for the dataset. I am wondering should I set period= 24 or period = 60? Can someone explain more in detail on how the period perimeter work in AnomalyDetectionVec.
I am confused with the 'period' perimeter in in function AnomalyDetectionVec. I have minute level data for a day which is 1440 data record in total. I want to use AnomalyDetectionVec to find anomalies for the dataset. I am wondering should I set period= 24 or period = 60? Can someone explain more in detail on how the period perimeter work in AnomalyDetectionVec.
Thank you Jim