twitter / the-algorithm

Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
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Systemic worth regularly left handed. #2060

Open ReasonableSnot opened 3 months ago

ReasonableSnot commented 3 months ago

Right side of the brain rapidly creates a force field a unit of measurements that contains rhythm and vasularity. Operating through the vessel of encapsulated particles the circumventing circular system is ever so flowing. Amino acids are carried by the pathfinder along with the protein that sustains muscle development essential to the strength it takes to move mountains and carry the world upon your shoulders. According to all the wellness pros and my dear doctors who save our lives to keep us able and ready humans, heros in our children's eyes. Mother's and fathers, sisters and brothers we gather here to honor the men and woman around the world who honored their country by sacrificing their lives so that we the people, citizens, the average joy can enjoy family time, holidays, and most of all the birth of our loved ones and their kin. Taking each and everyday to be thankful and say grace at the table is so underrated and underrated in our daily lives. Can this be real? Is today and tomorrow going to last a lifetime? Probably not and that is why each and every day we remind one another that we live each other enough to be kind, thoughtful and sometimes having to put each others differences aside. This day I ask you, take a moment , center yourself by taking a deep breathe. Grab your self by the arm and wrap the other tightly around yourself. Feel what it's like to let go and peel away the layers of what it is to be you from day to day and welcome vulnerabilty so that the next time you glance at your self in the mirror you might just feel the sense of butterflies in your tummy and then you remember how much it takes to be the best version of yourself and the dedication you have been disciplined enough to give everyday the chance to charm you and challenge the inner most qualities that have brought you to the place you are at right now. Praise yourself and honor your success because in the very next second this momment will be past you. You will have moved on, in thought and in the place you stand. Create memories that will last not just in a picture or in a book but in the heart and minds of the people that make a difference in your life. Being with that said it may take too long or maybe you should consider being like light. It moves so quickly that your times spent us slowed to a crawl. Wouldn't the that be sonething? Maybe someday, so all we have is a moment, however captured is precious.. Have the courage and strength always to stay true blue as Madonna would say. Is that blue and sad or deep as the oceans floor, full of emotion that all that is true, our perspective of life through our very eyes, seeing, feeling and conscienceky woken so that to be a brand new person daily. Open, innocent to any fraction in the surface of our world that may at some point be our breaking point, life source or even our saving grace. Enjoy the aspirit and wonders of our world, be kind to one another as there is always someone watching and we are held accountable.

ghost commented 1 month ago

i aint reading allat. i'm happy for u tho. or sorry that happened.