Closed J-JunChen closed 1 year ago
You can set every loss_type here to
Ok, I see. I have another question, do you know how to train and inference in VOC dataset? Because the Segsort claim that "we do not pre-train on any other segmentation dataset, such as MS COCO [44] dataset." for VOC.
In the original paper, SegSort indeed does not train on MSCOCO. However, for fair comparison, we reproduce SegSort based on our experimental setting.
There are several difference:
Hope these answer your question.
Ok, Thanks.
Hello! Thanks for your job.
I would like to know how to train the original Segsort to compare with your method. Because the original source code of Segsort was basing on Tensorflow, did you reproduced the Segsort on Pytorch for comparsion?