twobin / react-lazyload

Lazy load your component, image or anything matters the performance.
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滚动条滚动时没有加载数据,请问是什么原因? #235

Closed aidening closed 5 years ago

aidening commented 5 years ago

我滚动条向下滚动时,没有数据加载,我是在antd table的每一个column列下的render函数内使用的LazyLoad包裹return的内容,但是滑动滚动条并没有数据加载

JinJieTan commented 5 years ago

我也是啊。。。滚动到那个位置就是没有数据 也用了antd-mobile,不过我不是在antd-mobile组件中做的懒加载,就是平常的组件中,滑动到那个位置也没有加载数据 一直是placeholder

aidening commented 5 years ago


JinJieTan commented 5 years ago

可是我的还是没有解决啊 就是一直是placeholder 能加className 为 overflow的地方都加了

import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
import { AsyncKingKongModule } from '../../../redux-file/actions-creators'
import { Toast } from 'antd-mobile';
import './index.less'
import LazyLoad from 'react-lazyload';
function loadingToast() {
    Toast.loading('Loading...', .5, () => {
class App extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
    handleClick = (item) => {
        return () => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                this.props.history.push({ pathname: '/shop', state: { data: item } })
            }, 500)

    render() {
        const { KingkongModule } = this.props
        return (
            <div className="KingkongModule overflow" >
                {, index) => {
                    return <div onClick={this.handleClick(item)} className="kingkong-item overflow" key={`${index + 10}`}>
                        <LazyLoad height={200} offset={-100} className="overflow">
                            <img src={item.picUrl} alt="" className="overflow"/>

            </div >

export default withRouter(connect(
    (state) => ({ KingkongModule: state.KingKong }),
    (dispatch) => ({
        reqKingKongModule() {
            const action = AsyncKingKongModule();

JinJieTan commented 5 years ago

解决 了 谢谢

solvep commented 5 years ago

解决 了 谢谢


ameerthehacker commented 5 years ago

@JinJieTan and @solvep do you both still facing problems?

solvep commented 5 years ago

@JinJieTan and @solvep do you both still facing problems? ths,I solved it

ameerthehacker commented 5 years ago

Cool I will close the issue now feel free to open it again if you face similar problem