first of all, thanks a lot for this package- I've used it and got much better performance results on my pages.
now to my issue:
After upgrading to React 16 + upgrading of all node modules of my project- I started to get this error on NewRelic which monitors my production site:
"Unable to find node on an unmounted component."
Stack trace takes me to this line of code:
react-lazyload/lib/index.js line: 169 in fonction "checkVisible":
var node = _reactDom2.default.findDOMNode(component);
Could you please offer a quick fix for this issue? it makes a lot of noise in our production monitoring system.
first of all, thanks a lot for this package- I've used it and got much better performance results on my pages.
now to my issue: After upgrading to React 16 + upgrading of all node modules of my project- I started to get this error on NewRelic which monitors my production site: "Unable to find node on an unmounted component."
Stack trace takes me to this line of code: react-lazyload/lib/index.js line: 169 in fonction "checkVisible":
var node = _reactDom2.default.findDOMNode(component);
Could you please offer a quick fix for this issue? it makes a lot of noise in our production monitoring system.
thanks in advance.