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fdisk -d fails #17

Open vrx opened 8 years ago

vrx commented 8 years ago

When using, fidsk -d command fails as -d option is not recognized (i can't find it on man page).

egradman commented 8 years ago

yeah, that’s probably an OSX only option. The intent is to determine the offset of the partitions on the disk image so they can be loop mounted. If your image is based on the latest Jessie build then you don’t even have to run this step.

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 9:58 AM, vrx wrote:

When using, fidsk -d command fails as -d option is not recognized (i can't find it on man page).

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Eric Gradman CTO & Mad Inventor P: 213-268-6253 | W: TW: @egradman

TWO BIT CIRCUS Engineering Entertainment

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vrx commented 8 years ago

that's right, thanks, -d is osx only !

and yes, my image is based on latest jessie but after some changes...

and actually i get a slightly different offset for the root offset offset_boot: 4194304 offset_root: 67108864 (instead of 62914560) is that important?

egradman commented 8 years ago



in either case, you should try booting the system and mounting /opt/raspberrypi/boot and root. If you get an error, replace the relevant values in /etc/fstab with the ones you got from your script and try mounting again. Let me know the result!

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 12:30 PM, vrx wrote:

that's right, thanks, -d is osx only !

and yes, my image is based on latest jessie but after some changes...

and actually i get a slightly different offset for the root offset offset_boot: 4194304 offset_root: 67108864 (instead of 62914560) is that important?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Eric Gradman CTO & Mad Inventor P: 213-268-6253 | W: TW: @egradman

TWO BIT CIRCUS Engineering Entertainment

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vrx commented 8 years ago

i used virtualbox = "ubuntu/trusty64" config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |prl|

prl.update_guest_tools = true


but i try to mount boot vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ sudo mount /opt/raspberrypi/boot/ /vagrant/rpi.img: Operation not permitted

/etc/fstab is LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext4 defaults 0 0 /vagrant/rpi.img /opt/raspberrypi/boot auto loop,offset=4194304,noauto 0 0

egradman commented 8 years ago

true for both values of offset? Both the one I provided, and the one you derived?

Can you verify that /vagrant/rpi.img is present and readable?

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 1:34 PM, vrx wrote:

i used virtualbox = "ubuntu/trusty64" config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |prl|

prl.update_guest_tools = true


but i try to mount boot vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ sudo mount /opt/raspberrypi/boot/ /vagrant/rpi.img: Operation not permitted

/etc/fstab is LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext4 defaults 0 0 /vagrant/rpi.img /opt/raspberrypi/boot auto loop,offset=4194304,noauto 0 0

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Eric Gradman CTO & Mad Inventor P: 213-268-6253 | W: TW: @egradman

TWO BIT CIRCUS Engineering Entertainment

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vrx commented 8 years ago

yes operation not permitted is issued for both values, and notice that there is no mention of root in /etc/fstab -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 7.5G Nov 28 11:38 rpi.img

sorry i am probably missing something - first time i am trying this method...

egradman commented 8 years ago

yeah, there’s no mention of root in my fstab either. That’s OK. Can you run fdisk on the rpi.img file from within the virtual machine? Perhaps that’ll yield different values for the offsets?

I also notice that your image file is 7.5GB. Mine is 4.0GB. That indicates that you probably expanded the filesystem on an 8GB SD card when you booted the pi. It’s worth noting that I DID NOT do this on my SD card. I don’t know how “expanding the filesystem” actually works, and it might make the disk unbootable over a loop (I’m guessing here.)

Another thought: It would be nice to eliminate the possibility that the problem comes from the way Virtualbox shares /vagrant. It’s a drag, but you could do this by copying the rpi.img file into the virtual machine’s virtual disk and pointing fstab at the copied file.

Also, this method is totally rough and I appreciate your patience and help getting this bugs ironed out!

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 2:31 PM, vrx wrote:

yes operation not permitted is issued for both values, and notice that there is no mention of root in /etc/fstab -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 7.5G Nov 28 11:38 rpi.img

sorry i am probably missing something - first time i am trying this method...

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Eric Gradman CTO & Mad Inventor P: 213-268-6253 | W: TW: @egradman

TWO BIT CIRCUS Engineering Entertainment

Inventors | Developers | Performers

vrx commented 8 years ago

I just tried with a fresh raspbian (jessie) image and it seems much better

I changed offset_root to the value given by running (67108864 in this case) otherwise vagrant up does not work.

even if from vagrant provision i get this error message

FAILED COMMAND: tar xfkv $f

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
           to retry, use: --limit @/Users/vrx/playbook.retry

default                    : ok=58   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1

Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.

I am still able to ssh to the system and see vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/opt/raspberrypi/root/home/pi/

Now, I used a completely fresh image and was trying to download of90 directly from the virtual machine, but as a matter fact i quickly runs out a space on the device. I must admit that i don't really understand what's happening - can i permanently change the content of the .img file ?

rmast commented 8 years ago

As I am not running from OsX, but from Windows 10 I am only able to run the from within the Ubuntu 14.04 image. There the fdisk -d doesn't work, however sfdisk -d gives a slightly different output-format.

In answer to the question of Egradman: OsX - fdisk seems to give incorrect values for -d:

By the way, I tried to add a readme for using a Windows 10-host, which immediately created a fork: