twofas / 2fas-browser-extension

Source code for 2FAS Browser Extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
247 stars 36 forks source link

v1.7.0 #79

Closed GrzegorzZajac000 closed 5 months ago

JimmyRoshawnMason commented 4 months ago

""" One of the several implementations of Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression algorithm """

import math import os import sys

def read_file_binary(file_path: str) -> str: """ Reads given file as bytes and returns them as a long string """ result = "" try: with open(file_path, "rb") as binary_file: data = for dat in data: curr_byte = f"{dat:08b}" result += curr_byte return result except OSError: print("File not accessible") sys.exit()

def add_key_to_lexicon( lexicon: dict[str, str], curr_string: str, index: int, last_match_id: str ) -> None: """ Adds new strings (curr_string + "0", curr_string + "1") to the lexicon """ lexicon.pop(curr_string) lexicon[curr_string + "0"] = last_match_id

if math.log2(index).is_integer():
    for curr_key in lexicon:
        lexicon[curr_key] = "0" + lexicon[curr_key]

lexicon[curr_string + "1"] = bin(index)[2:]

def compress_data(data_bits: str) -> str: """ Compresses given data_bits using Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression algorithm and returns the result as a string """ lexicon = {"0": "0", "1": "1"} result, curr_string = "", "" index = len(lexicon)

for i in range(len(data_bits)):
    curr_string += data_bits[i]
    if curr_string not in lexicon:

    last_match_id = lexicon[curr_string]
    result += last_match_id
    add_key_to_lexicon(lexicon, curr_string, index, last_match_id)
    index += 1
    curr_string = ""

while curr_string != "" and curr_string not in lexicon:
    curr_string += "0"

if curr_string != "":
    last_match_id = lexicon[curr_string]
    result += last_match_id

return result

def add_file_length(source_path: str, compressed: str) -> str: """ Adds given file's length in front (using Elias gamma coding) of the compressed string """ file_length = os.path.getsize(source_path) file_length_binary = bin(file_length)[2:] length_length = len(file_length_binary)

return "0" * (length_length - 1) + file_length_binary + compressed

def write_file_binary(file_path: str, to_write: str) -> None: """ Writes given to_write string (should only consist of 0's and 1's) as bytes in the file """ byte_length = 8 try: with open(file_path, "wb") as opened_file: result_byte_array = [ to_write[i : i + byte_length] for i in range(0, len(to_write), byte_length) ]

        if len(result_byte_array[-1]) % byte_length == 0:
            result_byte_array[-1] += "1" + "0" * (
                byte_length - len(result_byte_array[-1]) - 1

        for elem in result_byte_array:
            opened_file.write(int(elem, 2).to_bytes(1, byteorder="big"))
except OSError:
    print("File not accessible")

def compress(source_path: str, destination_path: str) -> None: """ Reads source file, compresses it and writes the compressed result in destination file """ data_bits = read_file_binary(source_path) compressed = compress_data(data_bits) compressed = add_file_length(source_path, compressed) write_file_binary(destination_path, compressed)

if name == "main": compress(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])