twolfson / gulp.spritesmith

Convert a set of images into a spritesheet and CSS variables via gulp
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Wrong sprite dimensions #124

Closed jasonevines closed 7 years ago

jasonevines commented 7 years ago

When using the retina-sprite mixin, I get the wrong width and height for my sprites.

Let's say a sprite is supposed to appear 46px wide and high on the page. The retina-sprite mixin will use 92px for the CSS height and width instead, from the dimensions of the retina .png.

Here's the task I'm using to generate my sprites:

// Manage sprites gulp.task('sprites', function () { var spriteData = gulp.src([ imagePaths.source + "sprites/*.png", imagePaths.source + "sprites-2x/*.png" ]) .pipe(spritesmith({ retinaSrcFilter: imagePaths.source + "sprites-2x/*.png", imgName: 'spritesheet.png', retinaImgName: 'spritesheet-2x.png', cssName: '_sprites.scss' })) .on("error", handleError); var imgStream = spriteData.img .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(imagemin(imageMinConfig.pngQuant)) .pipe(gulp.dest(imagePaths.dist + 'sprites/')); var cssStream = spriteData.css .pipe(gulp.dest('./sass_helpers')); return merge(imgStream, cssStream); });

twolfson commented 7 years ago

The task looks correct. Can you paste how you're using the mixins?

jasonevines commented 7 years ago

Like this:

@include retina-sprite($icon-publication-dpdn-group);

twolfson commented 7 years ago

That looks correct as well. Can you provide the generated CSS and a screenshot of what you're expecting to see vs what you actually see?

jasonevines commented 7 years ago

Attached is the generated CSS (normally uses .scss, but using .txt for GitHub attachment).


Also attached are screenshots showing what the sprite icons should look, as generated by Compass (from which I'm migrating), and then as generated by Spritesmith.



twolfson commented 7 years ago

Oooooh, I see what's happening. I'm not sure how I missed this the first time. The normal and retina sprites have the same filename. As a result, we are overwriting the existing variable causing the retina mixin to look at the retina sprite as the normal sprite:

// Normal sprite
$books-name: 'books';
$books-x: 248px;
// ...
$books: (248px, 36px, -248px, -36px, 46px, 46px, 502px, 232px, 'spritesheet.png', 'books', );

// Retina sprite
$books-name: 'books';
$books-x: 496px;
// ...
$books: (496px, 72px, -496px, -72px, 92px, 92px, 1004px, 464px, 'spritesheet-2x.png', 'books', );

// Retina group
$books-group-name: 'books';
$books-group: ('books', $books, $books, );

We will definitely have to throw an error in our code but missed this before. As far as a workaround, there are a few options:

I'm going to leave this issue open until we get an error being thrown for using a normal and retina sprite with the same name

jasonevines commented 7 years ago

I get this error when trying the code you mentioned:

/.npm/node_modules/spritesheet-templates/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js:771 obj[prop] = source[prop]; ^

TypeError: Cannot set property 'bare_name' of undefined at /.npm/node_modules/spritesheet-templates/nodemodules/underscore/underscore.js:771:21 at Array.forEach (native) at .each._.forEach (/.npm/node_modules/spritesheet-templates/nodemodules/underscore/underscore.js:78:11) at Function..extend (/.npm/node_modules/spritesheet-templates/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js:768:5) at Function.templater.ensureHandlebarsVariables (/.npm/node_modules/spritesheet-templates/lib/spritesheet-templates.js:227:5) at addHandlebarsVariables (/.npm/node_modules/spritesheet-templates/lib/spritesheet-templates.js:282:17) at Array.forEach (native) at templateFn (/.npm/node_modules/spritesheet-templates/lib/spritesheet-templates.js:281:18) at templater (/.npm/node_modules/spritesheet-templates/lib/spritesheet-templates.js:118:16) at handleImages (/.npm/node_modules/gulp.spritesmith/lib/gulp-spritesmith.js:341:20) at /.npm/node_modules/gulp.spritesmith/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3694:9 at /.npm/node_modules/gulp.spritesmith/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:359:16 at iteratorCallback (/.npm/node_modules/gulp.spritesmith/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:935:13) at /.npm/node_modules/gulp.spritesmith/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:843:16 at /.npm/node_modules/gulp.spritesmith/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3691:13 at apply (/.npm/node_modules/gulp.spritesmith/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:21:25)

twolfson commented 7 years ago

Oh, whoops. I thought it was a return when it's a mutate. Try this one:

cssVarMap: function (sprite) { if (sprite.source_image.indexOf('2x') !== -1) { += '-2x'; } }`
jasonevines commented 7 years ago

That's done the trick. Thanks for your help!

twolfson commented 7 years ago

We have created a test and patch in 6.5.0 to resolve this issue