twolfson / gulp.spritesmith

Convert a set of images into a spritesheet and CSS variables via gulp
The Unlicense
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npm warn deprecated #160

Closed MyNameTony1000 closed 1 day ago

MyNameTony1000 commented 5 days ago

npm warn deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.

npm warn deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see

npm ls core-js outputs:

-- gulp.spritesmith@6.13.1
  -- spritesmith@3.4.1
    -- pixelsmith@2.4.1
      -- get-pixels@3.3.3
        -- request@2.88.2
-- gulp.spritesmith@6.13.1
  -- spritesmith@3.4.1
    -- pixelsmith@2.4.1
      -- get-pixels@3.3.3
        -- request@2.88.2
          -- uuid@3.4.0

How can I fix this moment?

twolfson commented 5 days ago

This is a longstanding issue in get-pixels, so we have to get a fix there:

Alternatively, we could find a replacement library, but that seems like a lot of effort for something that's already patched

Is this causing you any issues besides the warnings?

MyNameTony1000 commented 5 days ago

Hello, thanks for the quick response) This does not cause any problems and everything works fine. Just wanted to know if there is a way to fix this.