twolfson / gulp.spritesmith

Convert a set of images into a spritesheet and CSS variables via gulp
The Unlicense
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Ignoring retina size #41

Closed radist2s closed 9 years ago

radist2s commented 9 years ago

Hi, I was away and i missed this comment.

Sometimes my retina sprites aren't 2x, because Adobe Extract does something wrong when it exports 2x sprites(sprites can be less for 1 pixel if it is a vector image).

Actually I committed this for myself and i was not going to push it into your repository. I do not insist that this commit should be pushed into main tree, but for me it was helpful.

twolfson commented 9 years ago

Ah, that makes sense. There was another PR that came in with a similar option:

However, we resolved the issue (and any possible spritesheet scaling issues) by insisting usage of an image normalizer to make the retina images properly 2x via padding: