twolinin / longphase

GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Enhancement] Longphase Docker image #24

Closed tuannguyen8390 closed 4 months ago

tuannguyen8390 commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I think it would be very beneficial for Longphase to have its own Docker image to promote reproducible results & implementation in workflows .. etc. I made one for our pipeline and I think it can be useful to some other people.

FROM continuumio/miniconda3:latest
LABEL software="LongPhase"
LABEL version="1.4"
LABEL github_repo=""

SHELL ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c"]
RUN conda install -c bioconda htslib

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install git gcc g++ make autoconf zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev bash -y
RUN git clone
WORKDIR /longphase
RUN autoreconf -i && ./configure && make -j 4
RUN cp longphase /usr/local/bin/


Tuan Nguyen