twomice / com.joineryhq.percentagepricesetfield

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Disable on Payment Methods not working in Test mode #51

Open shaneonabike opened 1 year ago

shaneonabike commented 1 year ago

Hey there,

Thanks for building a really awesome an flawless extension. So I discovered a little gotcha while using the disable on payment methods options.


When using a Transaction Rate Fee we have the option to Disable for payment methods. When enabling this for an Event I was not able to get it to work in Test mode. The reason being is the IDs that you are retrieving in _percentagepricesetfield_get_setting_value unfortunately doesn't account for the Payment Processor IDs that are live vs testing. It threw me off because when I was testing this in Test-mode it wasn't working and I thought it had something to do with my code.


To reproduce

  1. Create an Event
  2. Add a Price Set that includes a Transaction Rate Fee
  3. On the Transaction Rate Fee choose to Disable for a few payment methods
  4. Save the Event
  5. Use the Test mode link and see that the Transaction Rate Fee is still applied on disabled payment methods

Obviously, it's not mission critical but worth reporting so that it doesn't catch others and maybe eventually fixing. I don't have time just yet to post a patch but I'll try to get to it.

twomice commented 1 month ago

I see your point, this would be nice to have.

I'm tagging this as "enhancement" . (Even though it coued be argued as a "bug", I'm inclined to think of this as "nice to have", and to reserve "bug" for issues that break things for end-users during the live payment experience.)

I'm certainly open to a PR that would support this in Test mode.