Open mhgutier opened 3 years ago
Hello @mhgutier,
Added it to the list. ✅
I appreciate that you shared both the source and your Python implementation. 😎
If you are feeling venturous, try the following guide: Creating a Custom Indicator: The Big 4. If not, hopefully someone can help implement this sooner. I'll keep you posted when it's ready on the development branch for testing.
Kind Regards, KJ
@mhgutier I was trying to run your code but df['RSI_MA']: is not done can share the the complete code?
Hi @twopirllc ,
Please see updated code below. please free to modify if needed. i am not a developer, just learned python in youtube , for me the code is slow unlike the way pandas_ta compute for super trend/qqe (super fast)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import talib
import pandas_ta
import schedule
import ccxt
exchange = ccxt.binance()
ohlc = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(pair, timeframe='5m')
df = pd.DataFrame(ohlc, columns = ['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'])
#OTT variables
pds = 2
percent = 1.4
alpha = 2 / (pds + 1)
df['atr'] = talib.ATR(df['high'], df['low'], df['close'], timeperiod=14)
df['ud1'] = np.where(df['close'] > df['close'].shift(1), (df['close'] - df['close'].shift()) , 0)
df['dd1'] = np.where(df['close'] < df['close'].shift(1), (df['close'].shift() - df['close']) , 0)
df['UD'] = talib.SUM(df['ud1'], timeperiod=9)
df['DD'] = talib.SUM(df['dd1'], timeperiod=9)
df['CMO'] = ((df['UD'] - df['DD']) / (df['UD'] + df['DD'])).fillna(0).abs()
df['Var'] = 0.0
for i in range(pds, len(df)):
df['Var'].iat[i] = (alpha * df['CMO'].iat[i] * df['close'].iat[i]) + (1 - alpha * df['CMO'].iat[i]) * df['Var'].iat[i-1]
df['fark'] = df['Var'] * percent * 0.01
df['newlongstop'] = df['Var'] - df['fark']
df['newshortstop'] = df['Var'] + df['fark']
df['longstop'] = 0.0
df['shortstop'] = 999999999999999999
for i in (df['close']):
def maxlongstop():
df.loc[(df['newlongstop'] > df['longstop'].shift(1)) , 'longstop'] = df['newlongstop']
df.loc[(df['longstop'].shift(1) > df['newlongstop']), 'longstop'] = df['longstop'].shift(1)
return df['longstop']
def minshortstop():
df.loc[(df['newshortstop'] < df['shortstop'].shift(1)), 'shortstop'] = df['newshortstop']
df.loc[(df['shortstop'].shift(1) < df['newshortstop']), 'shortstop'] = df['shortstop'].shift(1)
return df['shortstop']
df['longstop']= np.where (
(df['Var'] > df['longstop'].shift(1))
df['shortstop'] = np.where(
(df['Var'] < df['shortstop'].shift(1))
), minshortstop(), df['newshortstop'])
#get xover
df['xlongstop'] = np.where (
(df['Var'].shift(1) > df['longstop'].shift(1)) &
(df['Var'] < df['longstop'].shift(1))
), 1,0)
df['xshortstop'] =np.where(
(df['Var'].shift(1) < df['shortstop'].shift(1)) &
(df['Var'] > df['shortstop'].shift(1))
), 1,0)
df['dir'] = 0
for i in df['close']:
df['trend'] = np.where(
(df['xshortstop'] == 1)
),1, (np.where((df['xlongstop'] == 1),-1,df['trend'].shift(1)))
df['dir'] = np.where(
(df['xshortstop'] == 1)
),1, (np.where((df['xlongstop'] == 1),-1,df['dir'].shift(1).fillna(1)))
#get OTT
df['MT'] = np.where(df['dir'] == 1, df['longstop'], df['shortstop'])
df['OTT'] = np.where(df['Var'] > df['MT'], (df['MT'] * (200 + percent) / 200), (df['MT'] * (200 - percent) / 200))
df['OTT'] = df['OTT'].shift(2)
#print OTT
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.width', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
Hello @mhgutier,
I will look into it as soon as I can. I will let you know when it is available to testing on the development branch.
Kind Regards, KJ
Hi Kevin,
Please help to add OTT to pandas_ta by KivancOzbilgicin trading view.
i converted the pinescript to python, it has correct output though my logic seems to be not efficient as it takes 10 seconds or so to calculate. i think it has almost similar logic with QQE. Thanks in advance
================= my version