twopirllc / pandas-ta

Technical Analysis Indicators - Pandas TA is an easy to use Python 3 Pandas Extension with 150+ Indicators
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Feature Request: Pivot Points #452

Closed drixie closed 6 months ago

drixie commented 2 years ago

Pivot points are used to notice importance levels during a trading session. I have used them successfully for day trading as they are solid inflection points.

Read more here -

Pivot Point (PP) = (Prior Daily High + Low + Close) / 3 R1 = (2 x Pivot Point) – Prior Daily Low R2 = Pivot Point + (Prior Daily High – Prior Daily Low) S1 = (2 x Pivot Point) – Prior Daily High S2 = Pivot Point – (Prior Daily High – Prior Daily Low) R3 = Daily High + 2 x (Pivot Point – Prior Daily Low) S3 = Daily Low – 2 x (Prior Daily High – Pivot Point)

Since it is typically computed on daily timeframe (and above), yfinance data can be used as a default.

My python skills are limited so I cannot code it as a Pandas TA custom indicator. That said, it seems pretty easy enough that I can compute it in pandas. It would just be super convenient if it was part of Pandas TA. I will update this issue with the pandas code when I get it done.

twopirllc commented 2 years ago

Hello @drixie,

I am aware of all sorts of indicators including Pivot Points as well as the different kinds of Pivot Points will need to be included.

Luckily, you do not need to look far for Python code for Pivots as Jesse AI has also implemented them. The only issue I foresee is that Pandas TA does not know what timeframe users are using... it seems many users are using intraday timeframes, so these might need to be excluded from the DataFrame Extension inclusion (Step 2) in #355. If you find time and willingness to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated! 😎

Kind Regards, KJ

idristarwala commented 2 years ago

I have an implementation of PIvot Points in Python which resembles the PivotHigh and PivotLow of TradingView I can share here.

idristarwala commented 2 years ago

Initial Code

from collections import deque
import numpy as np

def clean_deque(i, k, deq, df, key, isHigh):
    if deq and deq[0] == i - k:
    if isHigh:
        while deq and df.iloc[i][key] > df.iloc[deq[-1]][key]:
        while deq and df.iloc[i][key] < df.iloc[deq[-1]][key]:

def pivotPoints(pivot=None,data=None):
    This function calculates the pivot points based on the pivot lenght.
    These can be HH, LH , HL, LL values based on the adjacent pivots 
    which occur based on the length of the pivot.

    data['PH'] = False
    data['PHV'] = np.NaN
    data['PL'] = False
    data['PLV'] = np.NaN
    keyHigh = 'high'
    keyLow = 'low'
    win_size = pivot * 2 + 1
    deqHigh = deque()
    deqLow = deque()
    max_idx = 0
    min_idx = 0
    i = 0
    j = pivot
    pivot_low = None
    pivot_high = None
    for index, row in data.iterrows():
        if i < win_size:
            clean_deque(i, win_size, deqHigh, data, keyHigh, True)
            clean_deque(i, win_size, deqLow, data, keyLow, False)
            if data.iloc[i][keyHigh] > data.iloc[max_idx][keyHigh]:
                max_idx = i
            if data.iloc[i][keyLow] < data.iloc[min_idx][keyLow]:
                min_idx = i
            if i == win_size-1:
                if data.iloc[max_idx][keyHigh] == data.iloc[j][keyHigh]:
          [data.index[j], 'PH'] = True
                    pivot_high = data.iloc[j][keyHigh]
                if data.iloc[min_idx][keyLow] == data.iloc[j][keyLow]:
          [data.index[j], 'PL'] = True
                    pivot_low = data.iloc[j][keyLow]
        if i >= win_size:
            j += 1
            clean_deque(i, win_size, deqHigh, data, keyHigh, True)
            clean_deque(i, win_size, deqLow, data, keyLow, False)
            pivot_val = data.iloc[deqHigh[0]][keyHigh]
            if pivot_val == data.iloc[j][keyHigh]:
      [data.index[j], 'PH'] = True
                pivot_high = data.iloc[j][keyHigh]
            if data.iloc[deqLow[0]][keyLow] == data.iloc[j][keyLow]:
      [data.index[j], 'PL'] = True
                pivot_low = data.iloc[j][keyLow][data.index[j], 'PHV'] = pivot_high[data.index[j], 'PLV'] = pivot_low
        i = i + 1

    return data


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from import *
    from .emas import *
    import pandas_ta as ta
    df = data1m(
        symbol = 'SPY',
        start_date = '2021-12-10',
        end_date = '2021-12-10'
    pivots = pivotPoints(pivot=1,data=df)
    df['PH'] = pivots['PH']
    df['PHV'] = pivots['PHV']
    df['PL'] = pivots['PL']
    df['PLV'] = pivots['PLV']

    print(df.loc[df['PH'] == True])
    print(df.loc[df['PL'] == True])
idristarwala commented 2 years ago

In the above snippet pivot input is the length of the pivot, data is a pandas data frame with OHLCV data

xfo-0 commented 2 years ago


Hello @drixie,

I am aware of all sorts of indicators including Pivot Points as well as the different kinds of Pivot Points will need to be included.

Luckily, you do not need to look far for Python code for Pivots as Jesse AI has also implemented them. The only issue I foresee is that Pandas TA does not know what timeframe users are using... it seems many users are using intraday timeframes, so these might need to be excluded from the DataFrame Extension inclusion (Step 2) in #355. If you find time and willingness to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated! sunglasses

Kind Regards, KJ

It's not necessary, but I think the amount of memory needed could be cut down pretty dramatically by defaulting to have the 'anchor' values stored in a separate ndarray and then accessed using corresponding index positions returned from datetime or some other method. I'm not entirely sure, however a conditional np.where() call parameter could then still be used to return it back to the original timeframe for plotting ect if needed.


from numpy import NaN, select
from pandas import DataFrame, to_datetime, infer_freq
from pandas_ta.utils import is_datetime_ordered, verify_series

def pivots(_open, high, low, close, anchor=None, method=None):
    _open = verify_series(_open)
    high = verify_series(high)
    low = verify_series(low)
    close = verify_series(close)
    anchor = anchor.upper() if anchor and isinstance(anchor, str) and len(anchor) >= 1 else "D"
    method_list = ["traditional", "fibonacci", "woodie", "classic", "demark", "camarilla"]
    method = method if method in method_list else "traditional"
    date = (
        to_datetime(close.index, unit="ms")
        if not is_datetime_ordered(close) and verify_series(close)
        else close.index

    freq = infer_freq(date)
    df = DataFrame(
        data={"open": _open.values, "high": high.values, "low": low.values, "close": close.values},

    if freq is not anchor:
        a = DataFrame()
        a["open"] = df["open"].resample(anchor).first()
        a["high"] = df["high"].resample(anchor).max()
        a["low"] = df["low"].resample(anchor).min()
        a["close"] = df["close"].resample(anchor).last()
        a = df

    # Calculate the Pivot Points
    if method == "traditional":
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values) / 3
        a["s1"] = (2 * a.p.values) - a.high.values
        a["s2"] = a.p.values - (a.high.values - a.low.values)
        a["s3"] = a.p.values - (a.high.values - a.low.values) * 2
        a["r1"] = (2 * a.p.values) - a.low.values
        a["r2"] = a.p.values + (a.high.values - a.low.values)
        a["r3"] = a.p.values + (a.high.values - a.low.values) * 2
    elif method == "fibonacci":
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values) / 3
        a["pivot_range"] = a.high.values - a.low.values
        a["s1"] = a.p.values - 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s2"] = a.p.values - 0.618 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s3"] = a.p.values - 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r1"] = a.p.values + 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r2"] = a.p.values + 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r3"] = a.p.values + 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a.drop(["pivot_range"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    elif method == "woodie":
        a["pivot_range"] = a.high.values - a.low.values
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + * 2) / 4
        a["s1"] = a.p.values * 2 - a.high.values
        a["s2"] = a.p.values - 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s3"] = a.high.values + 2 * (a.p.values - a.low.values)
        a["s4"] = a.s3 - a.p.values
        a["r1"] = a.p.values * 2 - a.low.values
        a["r2"] = a.p.values + 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r3"] = a.low.values - 2 * (a.high.values - a.p.values)
        a["r4"] = a.r3 + a.p.values
        a.drop(["pivot_range"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    elif method == "classic":
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values) / 3
        a["pivot_range"] = a.high.values - a.low.values
        a["s1"] = a.p.values * 2 - a.high.values
        a["s2"] = a.p.values - 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s3"] = a.p.values - 2 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s4"] = a.p.values - 3 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r1"] = a.p.values * 2 - a.low.values
        a["r2"] = a.p.values + 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r3"] = a.p.values + 2 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r4"] = a.p.values + 3 * a.pivot_range.values
        a.drop(["pivot_range"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    elif method == "demark":
        conds = (
            a.close.values ==,
            a.close.values >,
        vals = (
            a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values * 2,
            a.high.values * 2 + a.low.values + a.close.values,
        p = select(conds, vals, default=(a.high.values + a.low.values * 2 + a.close.values))
        a["p"] = p / 4
        a["s1"] = p / 2 - a.high.values
        a["r1"] = p / 2 - a.low.values
    elif method == "camarilla":
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values) / 3
        a["pivot_range"] = a.high.values - a.low.values
        a["s1"] = a.close.values - a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 12
        a["s2"] = a.close.values - a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 6
        a["s3"] = a.close.values - a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 4
        a["s4"] = a.close.values - a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 2
        a["r1"] = a.close.values + a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 12
        a["r2"] = a.close.values + a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 6
        a["r3"] = a.close.values + a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 4
        a["r4"] = a.close.values + a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 2
        a.drop(["pivot_range"], axis=1, inplace=True)
        raise ValueError("Invalid method")

    if freq is not anchor:
        pivots_df = a.reindex(df.index, method="ffill")
        pivots_df = a

    pivots_df.drop(columns=["open", "high", "low", "close"], inplace=True)

    x = pivots_df.loc[lambda x: (x.index.hour == 23) & (x.index.minute == 59)].iloc[0].name
    pivots_df.loc[:x] = NaN

    return pivots_df
twopirllc commented 2 years ago


Looks good. I think there should be an argument/parameter to limit the number of pivots to have or show. Makes no sense to trade off prior pivots. On my charts I use general two pivot periods, the rest is just a distraction (but that's me). 😎 But I suppose there are some data miners out there that require the whole enchilada. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Kind Regards, KJ

bibinvargheset commented 2 years ago

Added tc bc and range% for pivot

from numpy import NaN, select
from pandas import DataFrame, to_datetime, infer_freq
from pandas_ta.utils import is_datetime_ordered, verify_series

def pivots(_open, high, low, close, anchor=None, method=None):
    _open = verify_series(_open)
    high = verify_series(high)
    low = verify_series(low)
    close = verify_series(close)
    anchor = anchor.upper() if anchor and isinstance(anchor, str) and len(anchor) >= 1 else "D"
    method_list = ["traditional", "fibonacci", "woodie", "classic", "demark", "camarilla"]
    method = method if method in method_list else "traditional"
    date = (
        to_datetime(close.index, unit="ms")
        if not is_datetime_ordered(close) and verify_series(close)
        else close.index

    freq = infer_freq(date)
    df = DataFrame(
        data={"open": _open.values, "high": high.values, "low": low.values, "close": close.values},

    if freq is not anchor:
        a = DataFrame()
        a["open"] = df["open"].resample(anchor).first()
        a["high"] = df["high"].resample(anchor).max()
        a["low"] = df["low"].resample(anchor).min()
        a["close"] = df["close"].resample(anchor).last()
        a = df

    # Calculate the Pivot Points
    if method == "traditional":
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values) / 3

        a["bc"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values ) / 2
        a["tc"] = (2 * a.p.values) - a.bc.values
        a["rng"] = abs(*100

        a["s1"] = (2 * a.p.values) - a.high.values
        a["s2"] = a.p.values - (a.high.values - a.low.values)
        a["s3"] = a.p.values - (a.high.values - a.low.values) * 2
        a["r1"] = (2 * a.p.values) - a.low.values
        a["r2"] = a.p.values + (a.high.values - a.low.values)
        a["r3"] = a.p.values + (a.high.values - a.low.values) * 2

    elif method == "fibonacci":
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values) / 3
        a["pivot_range"] = a.high.values - a.low.values
        a["s1"] = a.p.values - 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s2"] = a.p.values - 0.618 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s3"] = a.p.values - 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r1"] = a.p.values + 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r2"] = a.p.values + 0.618 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r3"] = a.p.values + 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a.drop(["pivot_range"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    elif method == "woodie":
        a["pivot_range"] = a.high.values - a.low.values
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + * 2) / 4
        a["s1"] = a.p.values * 2 - a.high.values
        a["s2"] = a.p.values - 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s3"] = a.high.values + 2 * (a.p.values - a.low.values)
        a["s4"] = a.s3 - a.p.values
        a["r1"] = a.p.values * 2 - a.low.values
        a["r2"] = a.p.values + 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r3"] = a.low.values - 2 * (a.high.values - a.p.values)
        a["r4"] = a.r3 + a.p.values
        a.drop(["pivot_range"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    elif method == "classic":
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values) / 3
        a["pivot_range"] = a.high.values - a.low.values
        a["s1"] = a.p.values * 2 - a.high.values
        a["s2"] = a.p.values - 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s3"] = a.p.values - 2 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["s4"] = a.p.values - 3 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r1"] = a.p.values * 2 - a.low.values
        a["r2"] = a.p.values + 1 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r3"] = a.p.values + 2 * a.pivot_range.values
        a["r4"] = a.p.values + 3 * a.pivot_range.values
        a.drop(["pivot_range"], axis=1, inplace=True)
    elif method == "demark":
        conds = (
            a.close.values ==,
            a.close.values >,
        vals = (
            a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values * 2,
            a.high.values * 2 + a.low.values + a.close.values,
        p = select(conds, vals, default=(a.high.values + a.low.values * 2 + a.close.values))
        a["p"] = p / 4
        a["s1"] = p / 2 - a.high.values
        a["r1"] = p / 2 - a.low.values
    elif method == "camarilla":
        a["p"] = (a.high.values + a.low.values + a.close.values) / 3
        a["pivot_range"] = a.high.values - a.low.values
        a["s1"] = a.close.values - a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 12
        a["s2"] = a.close.values - a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 6
        a["s3"] = a.close.values - a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 4
        a["s4"] = a.close.values - a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 2
        a["r1"] = a.close.values + a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 12
        a["r2"] = a.close.values + a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 6
        a["r3"] = a.close.values + a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 4
        a["r4"] = a.close.values + a.pivot_range.values * 1.1 / 2
        a.drop(["pivot_range"], axis=1, inplace=True)
        raise ValueError("Invalid method")

    if freq is not anchor:
        pivots_df = a.reindex(df.index, method="ffill")
        pivots_df = a

    pivots_df.drop(columns=["open", "high", "low", "close"], inplace=True)

    x = pivots_df.loc[lambda x: (x.index.hour == 23) & (x.index.minute == 59)].iloc[0].name
    pivots_df.loc[:x] = NaN

    return pivots_df
AGDholo commented 2 years ago

Hi @bibinvargheset , I'm new here and new use the pandas-ta, I copied your code into my file, and I wrote this code:

hlp = hl.pivots(df["open price"],df["high"], df["low"], df["close"], anchor=23)

The error print:

  File "/Users/yanlee/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/", line 111, in long
    hlp = hl.pivots(df["open price"],df["high"], df["low"], df["close"])
  File "/Users/yanlee/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/", line 119, in pivots
    x = pivots_df.loc[lambda x: (x.index.hour == 23) & (x.index.minute == 59)].iloc[0].name
  File "/Users/yanlee/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 967, in __getitem__
    return self._getitem_axis(maybe_callable, axis=axis)
  File "/Users/yanlee/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1520, in _getitem_axis
    self._validate_integer(key, axis)
  File "/Users/yanlee/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1452, in _validate_integer
    raise IndexError("single positional indexer is out-of-bounds")
IndexError: single positional indexer is out-of-bounds

How can I fix it? Thank you

bibinvargheset commented 2 years ago

Remove this code an try , I just added some part orginal code is from above discussion

x = pivots_df.loc[lambda x: (x.index.hour == 23) & (x.index.minute == 59)].iloc[0].name
pivots_df.loc[:x] = NaN
AGDholo commented 2 years ago

Remove this code an try , I just added some part orginal code is from above discussion

x = pivots_df.loc[lambda x: (x.index.hour == 23) & (x.index.minute == 59)].iloc[0].name
pivots_df.loc[:x] = NaN

Big thanks! Everything is working fine

moewiee commented 2 years ago

@bibinvargheset I found that your implementation use Open/Close/High/Low of the current day, not the previous day, which will cause a very serious leak

bibinvargheset commented 2 years ago

@bibinvargheset I found that your implementation use Open/Close/High/Low of the current day, not the previous day, which will cause a very serious leak

Yes, thats right, i had actually added to previous code in the discussion i will correct that and update later

malakeel commented 2 years ago

Can you please confirm the data is only OHLCV ? I am getting an error about not finding 'index'. I will highly appreciate an example on how to load data and use the pivot function.

bibinvargheset commented 2 years ago

Pivots require time

malakeel commented 2 years ago

When using fibonacci, r1=r2:

a["r1"] = a.p.values + 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values
a["r2"] = a.p.values + 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values
bibinvargheset commented 2 years ago

When using fibonacci, r1=r2:

a["r1"] = a.p.values + 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values
a["r2"] = a.p.values + 0.382 * a.pivot_range.values


twopirllc commented 2 years ago

Hello all!

Great to see the collaborative progress of Pivot Points being worked out here. 😎

Would any of you: @AGDholo, @bibinvargheset, @drixie, @idristarwala, @malakeel, @moewiee, @xfo-0 want to submit "the best" current working version as a PR yet?


01xRiverse commented 1 year ago

@twopirllc This is issue is still open right? . If so , can i share my code for a PR ?

jhmenke commented 1 year ago

@twopirllc This is issue is still open right? . If so , can i share my code for a PR ?

please do

twopirllc commented 1 year ago

Hello @01xRiverse, @jhmenke

There is a PR #574 for it that I am refactoring and hope to get available on the development branch within a week or so. Contributions are always open. What sort of additions did you have in mind?


jhmenke commented 1 year ago

Excellent, thanks!

bibinvargheset commented 1 year ago

Great to see i was not checking for some time, is it added to dev branch

kadnan commented 1 year ago

Has the Pivot Point Standards been implemented yet in the main repo?

twopirllc commented 6 months ago

To whom it may concern:

These are all on the development branch for now.

agustinvinao commented 4 months ago

Hi, great work about pivots!

Im trying to calculate HH, HL, LH, LL. Looks like here is only an example for PH and PL.

Anyone has a any documentation where to find a good explanation how is the calculation? and if there is any plan to include it as part of the lib will be great.
