Closed bing1021 closed 5 years ago
@bing1021. I didn't tested it with other packages that import images. At the moment I'm so busy and I don't think that I can do much to solve the problem. Give me some time and I will take a look at it. Alternatively if you solved the issue please submit a pull request. Thanks :)
const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass');
const withImages = require('next-images');
module.exports = withSass({
sassLoaderOptions: {
includePaths: ['./styles/']
cssModules: true,
cssLoaderOptions: {
importLoaders: 1,
localIdentName: '[local]___[hash:base64:5]'
withImages: withImages
This configuration doesnt work.
@tarang9211 Hi! I've answered this question before in this issue Please check it out and if there is still problems, let's discuss about it on the related issue.
Hey @bing1021. Could you please share steps to reproduce the issue?
I am having this exact problem and was hoping for an update
const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins');
const withTypescript = require('@zeit/next-typescript')
const withCSS = require('@zeit/next-css')
const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass');
const withBundleAnalyzer = require("@zeit/next-bundle-analyzer");
const nextRuntimeDotenv = require('next-runtime-dotenv');
const withImages = require('next-images');
const withConfig = nextRuntimeDotenv({
public: [
module.exports = withPlugins(
analyzeServer: ["server", "both"].includes(process.env.BUNDLE_ANALYZE),
analyzeBrowser: ["browser", "both"].includes(process.env.BUNDLE_ANALYZE),
bundleAnalyzerConfig: {
server: {
analyzerMode: 'static',
reportFilename: '../bundles/server.html'
browser: {
analyzerMode: 'static',
reportFilename: '../bundles/client.html'
Hi @vget98, Can you provide a small project that causes this error so that we can find and resolve the issue?
I've closed this issue because it doesn't have any new conversation. Feel free to reopen it if you think you still have the problem.
Hi! I use your pkg.
I used a pkg and the pkg import a image. But webpack does't resolve the image.
Here is the error message