tworaz / sailfish-ytplayer

YouTube client for Sailfish OS
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Latest subscribed videos not shown correctly #52

Closed Termitebug closed 4 years ago

Termitebug commented 7 years ago

Somewhat has changed with Youtube:

Account page activated, state: SUBSCRIPTION_VIDEOS YouTube request method: "list" , resource: "activities" , params: QMap(("home", QVariant(bool, true) ) ( "part" , QVariant(QString, "id,snippet,contentDetails") ) ) Selected item is a video, opening video overview page Video overview page for video ID: hNqJvVCMoxE created YouTube request method: "list" , resource: "videos" , params: QMap(("id", QVariant(QString, "hNqJvVCMoxE") ) ( "part" , QVariant(QString, "snippet,contentDetails,statistics") ) ) YouTube request method: "list" , resource: "videos/getRating" , params: QMap(("id", QVariant(QString, "hNqJvVCMoxE") ) ) Changing cover to: VideoOverview.qml

So YouTube request method: "list" , resource: "videos/getRating" should be something else. How do I can change that?

a-andreyev commented 7 years ago

The problem is that youtube home activity APIv3 method that is used for the subscriptions videos is now returning some default youtube top videos b**t. And it's a pain to implement it manually right now. I will try to find some time to take a look at this, but could not promise anything.